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Sometimes risking is worth it.

Song. Breathe again.

Life sometimes doesn't go according to plan Evelyn had her life planned four years ago, where she would marry Jacob and have his kids and well live happily ever after. She loved Jacob, but she came to realized she wasn't in love with him. With the coming of William what was supposed to be a one time thing rendered her shameless and always craving for more.

She couldn't ask for more than this William settled with her family, the neighbours still talked some of them, others accepted with open arms and supported their relationship not that they needed their opinions anyway.

Evelyn reached out to Jenna, William told her she had given birth to a baby boy whom they named Christian, such a beautiful name for a beautiful baby. She had seen his pictures and videos though William wasn't allowed to witness everything regarding his son, but he never missed it. He was kept updated on everything. The baby had thick dark curls of William's and his mother's sapphire blue eyes. The baby was beautiful in all ways.

Jenna reciprocated Evelyn's effort to reach out to her, she had gotten over the fact that she gave up her husband and father of her child for her. When they met Jenna embraced Evelyn behaved as if nothing had happened, how can one being be this selfless? Evelyn asked herself over and over again.

"There is no point holding back something or someone when they don't want you no more". Was all Jenna said to Evelyn.

Evelyn pondered over the conversation in her head, she always found herself lost trying to know why she did something this big. Jenna chatted with Evelyn for a while, before they both departed with the promise of keeping in contact.

After Jenna left Evelyn went back home,  the home she now shared with William.  She walked through the door setting her keys on the table.

"Mr William"? She called out even after being together for a year she couldn't bring herself to call him name. Unless he is fucking or making love to you. She thought.

She blushed biting her lip as she thought about their sex life which by the way has been very much active.  She strolled further into the house.

"Mr William"? She called out again.

"In here". William called back she followed the sound of his voice that led her to the back yard. William was sitting down on one the chairs outside with his laptop in his front and a cup of wine beside him.

"Hey". She greeted when she took a seat beside him by his left.

"Hey little Evelyn, how are you"? William asked shutting the lid of his laptop and took off his glasses.

"Good, how about you"? William stretched out his hand towards Evelyn, she took his hand holding it in her palm.

"I am okay, missed you". William said, Evelyn smiled softly meeting his beautiful eyes. "Missed you more".

"I know". William stuck out his tongue at her. Evelyn rolled her eyes but still smiling softly. "How's Jenna"? William asked. Evelyn's face lit up there she told him all about their outing and how she thought Jenna did the bravest thing to give up her husband. William listened as his little Evelyn spoke with so much admiration.

"That woman is just something else, she is wonderful and strong and... " she trailed off when William pulled her onto his laps. He wrapped his arms around her waist.

"She is strong, amazing that gave up her love for the sake of mine. That woman deserves the best in life and I genuinely wish her the best". William said placing little kisses on Evelyn's neck. Evelyn hummed her response and shivered at the same time.

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