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Life is the risk we cannot refuse.
- Mason Cooley

Song: Christiana Perri - distance.

"Seriously I am getting tired of this endless dinners" William grumbled ,whenever he wanted to have a nice peaceful evening or weekend the invitation of this party, that party, came knocking on his door and his wife being well his wife will assure them, they will they be there and by they she meant both of them.

"Oh, suck it up big guy" she rolled her eyes , her hands on her hips tapping her foot impatiently against the tiled floor.

"You won't leave me alone would you"? He asked picking up his phone and keys.

"You already know the answer already Will and it's Capital NO".

He mumbled some profanities before following his wife out of the house. Shortly after the arrived at the place, the same house he was had dinner and the same lady that formed a bond with his wife.

"What is happening"? He questioned.

"An engagement party" she answered turning around blending into the crowd to meet up with other people.

"Shit, and I am dressed like this" he muttered picking up a glass of champagne from the table beside him.

He downed the content setting the cup back on the table, now his wife is nowhere to be seen. He sighed with stood there at a corner with another he got for himself taking a sip, scanning the packed up room.

"Attention please".

"Finally I can't wait to get the bloody out of here".

"We are here to celebrate this newly couple to be" few cheers were heard as William still stood there waiting for the show to get done and bolt the hell out.

"As you all know..... " he mute the voice off still sipping on his drink.

"Evelyn and Jacob" his head snapped up. Evelyn? Isn't that the lady that do come to his house? Why is her name being called?.

Shortly after she came into the view slowly descending from the staircase, Jesus Christ! His breath hitched, his throat parched she looked so fucking good, beautiful even, he didn't know when he pushed pass the people standing almost close to the staircase, he also didn't notice a man beside her.

"And there goes the newly couple, please let's put our hands together for them" then the whole place erupted with applaud.

For some unknown reason he found himself staring at the lady longer than usual.


"You never told me it was an engagement party" he lamented for some sick reason the image of the girl couldn't erase from his head, her tight body hugged into that delicious blue dress and the slit up to her long creamy legs.

He shook his head clearly the absurd thought away.

"It was a surprise party" Jenna climbed on to the bed, pulling the covers up to her chest. She switched off the lamp beside her before wishing him goodnight.

"Night baby".


When Williams woke up his thoughts were all over the place he didn't just had a dream he dreamt about the Evelyn the lady he went to her house for an engagement party the previous night.

Just why in the fucking hell is she in his dream, erotic dream at that. He frowned taking a sip of his coffee.

"Hey you okay"? Jenna's warm hand placed on his shoulder snapped him out of his day thought.

He opened his mouth to reply, the sound of the bell going off made him close it shut.

"I will get that".


Shit, shit, mother fucking shit.!!!

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