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Hesitation increases in relation to risk in equal proportion to age.
- Ernest Hemingway

Song: Enchanted.

William cursed under his breath the same girl he was having dreams about erotic dream to be precise is in his home few feet away from him.

He stood up walking into the living room. This madness got to stop he thought to himself, but as soon as he entered saw the young lady seated beside his wife. He fell into a trance, is it possible for her to look better than the last night? Cause' she is so fine.

This got to stop I am fucking married and why the hell am I noticing her now? Jesus!


He strode forward into the living room he stood beside his wife stealing glances at the young woman seated.

"You going out"? Of course he hadn't thought of that, but now it seems like a good idea, out of the house and get the lady out of his head plus she's way way way oh fuck!

"Yes I am" his voice came out deep, huskier. He cleared his throat again "Yes I am actually planning on going out". He stepped aside heading to the door when his wife's voice halted him.

"Will , be a darling and drop Evelyn please".

Shit, mother fucking shit.

He turned around grinding his teeth. "Of course that wouldn't be a problem" Jenna was oblivious to his current mood, so she stood up placing a chaste kiss on his lips as Evelyn already made her way out of the house.

He released another sigh, composed himself before moving towards where she stood beside his car with her arms crossed and her cute little dress hiking up to her to her thighs when the wind blow.

"Get in".

Startled the young lady turned around and quickly get into the car. He turned on the ignition reversing out of the driveway heading on to the road.

The ride was silent too silent with his thoughts all over the place he was annoyed he shouldn't be feeling this, he's fucking married about to be a father and yet something like this is having his thoughts jumbled just in span of few hours. Shit.

"Uhmm, I am going to drop here sir, thank you for the ride". His head snapped to her and that's when he looked at her like really looked at her, her raven hair with few highlights in it, her beautiful grey eyes a lighter shade compare to his, to her plump lips which she's currently nibbling on it.

"Okay". He quickly park aside as she thanked him getting out of the car.

Immediately the door closed shut he zoomed off, heading on the highway. "This is bad so fucking bad, this can't be happening I am happy with my wife dammit" he slammed his fists onto the Sterling wheel causing the car to horn.

"Moron"! One of those drivers screamed at him. He sighed focusing his full attention back onto the road.


William returned home later than usual, why? It's simple he spent the whole fucking day trying to erase her out of his head to no avail. It can't be possible, after much thought, talking to himself like a newly diagnosed patient he came to a conclusion, whatever he was feeling will fade off.

He retired to the bathroom , taking a shower feeling his muscles relax under the cold water he sighed feeling better with himself, he existed the bathroom drying off his body getting onto the bed with his wife.

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