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We saw the risk we took in doing good,<
- Robert Frost

Song: Suddenly.

"Shit! Shit!! Double, triple fucking shit"! William cursed out angrily, all the work he had saved it on the fucking laptop mistakenly erased, he doesn't not only have to start afresh, but he had to waste another fucking time making it to be perfect.

He cursed again pushing the laptop aside, he undid his neck tie leaning back into the chair.

"This is fucking bullshit". He muttered again. "Lorenzo" he yelled his assistant name on a normal good day he'd feel bad for yelling his name but right now he's anything but remorseful.

"Sir" Lorenzo peeked his head adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Where is the file you saved on your drive"?.

"Sir.. Whi-ch of the file "? Poor Lorenzo stuttered.

"The fucking file I was working on it yesterday dammit" he slammed his fists on the table the content falling to the ground.

On seeing that Lorenzo quickly shift backwards clearly startled by his boss sudden change of mood. "I will get it right away sir". He quickly exited the office.

William sighed again keeping in the back of his mind to apologize for his outburst later right now he needs to get on the fucking track and edit it as soon as possible.

Lorenzo walked into the office handing his flash drive to his boss. William collected the flash from his hand, well more like snatched it from his hand and dismissed him with a wave.


William sighed in content saving his work on his flash drive this time he made sure to save it damn well. He double checked triple checked it even making sure of himself he shut his laptop take his briefcase heading out of his office.

Immediately he stepped out he saw his assistant his head dangling off the chair and he quite looks uncomfortable so fucking uncomfortable. He sighed tapping him lightly.

"Yes sir, I got the file ready"! He said immediately his eyes opened, William suppressed a laugh as he tried hard to keep his face straight however he failed because he found himself laughing.

"I'm sorry ,I shouldn't have laugh, you should go home and rest take the day off Loren". Lorenzo smiled thanking him, he took his bag and bade William goodnight with the that they both took separate routes.

"Honey, I'm home".

"In here baby".

He walked towards the direction of the kitchen to the backyard, he bent down pecking his wife's forehead without taking the notice of the young lady seated beside his wife.

"I should probably go" that was when he looked up seeing the lady he had with a week ago in her house what was her name again? Eva? Evangeline? Evelyn yes Evelyn.

"Hello there" he greeted smiling softly.

"Hi, good evening sir".

"I should just go, good night" she muttered quietly picking her bag up from the bench she had previously kept when she came in.

"You leaving"? Jenna asked sitting up properly.

"Yeah, it's late and I have something to do at home, see you tomorrow . Good night sir".

"Sleep well Eve" Jenna pouted, Evelyn smiled slightly promising to visit her tomorrow as she made her exit.

William watched the young woman until she faded from away. "Have you had dinner baby"? Jenna's voice made him avert his gaze.

"No, I haven't and I am hungry but for something else" he stated with a smirk, when the words finally sink into her brain. She blushed crimson throwing glares at him.

"Pervert" she hissed crossing her arms over her chest. Wrong move, his eyes snapped on her boobs which are by the way pushing out.

"Hmmm" he hummed his reply taking his lower lip into his mouth seductively.

"Stop doing that".

"Stop doing what"? He asked feigning innocence, he took his bottom lip back into his mouth, this time he averted his gaze holding her eyes captive. Slowly slowly she started squirming in her seat.

"Good, I got you where I want" he dropped his briefcase aside taking off his suit, his dress shirt, dropping down to his knees.

He ran his hands over her thighs feeling the goosebumps raising up. "Beautiful" he muttered peppering kisses over thighs. With one move he pushed the summer dress up resting on belly as he brought his face close to her core, her already dripping cunt, even with the pant on her arousal was evident.

Over the clothed pussy he pressed his thumb on her clit he felt her gasp. "Please" she whispered her voice was strained.

"What was that you call me... A-ha! A pervert" his face was so close to her cunt all he had to do was tug the fabric a little and he will have his mouth attached to her pussy. But he decided to punish, he did tug on the fabric dipped his head his tongue running over her opening back to her clit giving one long lick before he stood up taking his briefcase, suit, shirt heading back into the house.

"Fucking fuck you William"!!

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