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If you ain't risking.
You ain't living.


Song-round and round .

Date with Jacob was terrible and Evelyn couldn't help but feel guilty and utterly uncomfortable at first she was excited to go out and maybe it will be something else but that something else turned out to be a disaster.

Five minutes into her date with her fiancé William showed up and no he wasn't happy seeing her with him, his facial expression said it all, his jaw clenched, knuckles clenched and not to mention the intense gaze he poured upon her. She felt hot all over, squirming in her seat trying not to gaze at where he was seated.

She excused herself heading to the restroom, she splashed water on her face resting her palms on the sink, staring at her reflection in the mirror. One word. Terrible.

"You do realize you are not getting out of this place"? A voice made her jumped up nearly hitting herself to the ground but that same voice's hand held her tightly in place, where she came face to face with William.

"Mr William" her eyes widened as she quickly detached herself from him wrapping her arms around her chest as a shield.

Like that would stop him from fucking you.

"What are you doing here"?.

"What are you doing here"? He fired.

"Excuse me"? She was baffled how dare come here and ruined her date with her fiancé.

"You heard me Ms Evelyn" he growled. Charging towards her with so much force she had to back away instantly.

"What are you doing here with him, on a fucking date with him? Jesus Christ. He can't make you feel  things Ms Evelyn. He fucking can't, so I suggest you walk out there tell lover boy to get his ass moving or I am gonna walk in there and spank your ass red. Trust me, I will".

She could barely heard what he said, her body was hot and bothered and her panties were dampened already.

Evelyn walked out of the restroom with a racing heart glancing back seeing William standing at the door watching her move like a hawk. She swallowed hard as she approached Jacob.

"Hey baby" he looked away from his phone taking her hands into his placing a kiss on her knuckles.

"You okay"? She gulped hard again when she saw his concerned face.

"I'm sorry, I feel so sick. I think I might just head home" she bit her inner cheek surprised at herself at how the lie just flew in her mouth so easily.

"Oh no, can I t-"? The shrilling of his cellphone diverted his attention from her. He shot her an apologetic smile before he stood up to answer the call. She was seated in her seat surprised at herself how she easily gave into William. She should have stood her ground but a voice in the back of her head told her he wasn't bluffing he'd definitely act on it.

When Jacob returned, he had a guilty face on. "I'm sorry love. I got to go something's come up, should I drop you off or you'd take a cab"?

Before she could answer William graced his presence. "No worries, I will drop her home, I am also heading home came to get few sweet tooth".

"Thank you so much Mr William. Take care baby call me once you get home" he held her by her waist crashing his lips into hers. She kissed him softly as he whispered a quiet I love you against her lips. She watched as he turned to walk out of the place leaving her alone with William.

"Let's go" he gritted his voice sounding cold and hard.

"The bills"?

"Has already been taken care of". without waiting for her to reply her grasped her wrist taking her out of the place. She gasped as she felt an electric bolt running through her arms. She withdrew her hand away from him cradling it against her chest.

"Get in the car Ms Evelyn".

"No, I won't". She was being stubborn.

He raked his fingers through his hair. "Get in the car Ms Evelyn or so help me God I will put you in myself". He was kidding she knew, but what's his deal? He came to ruin her date not only that but also ordering her around.

"Ms Evelyn, I won't repeat myself again".

Still yet she didn't budge. "I'm gonna take a cab back home Mr William". She turned around walking away from him when he called her back.

"What's your problem Mr William"? She was frustrated, horny and upset. Weird combination.

"You just get in the damn car Ms Evelyn". She could see he was clearly trying to control himself and trying not to cause a scene.

"I am not getting into the damn car with you, first off you came here and ruined my date with my fiancé and then sec- Oh, drop me you savage"!! She screamed hitting his back with her fists.

William ignored her protest and indeed kept to his words as he put her into the car and drove away. Despite her protests he took her away.

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