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Risk, risk, risk.


Song. Hold on.

Waking up everyday would be both a blessing and a curse to William, everyday for past three years he would wake up without her by his side, with nothing but her thoughts.

Everything that happened that faithful day was still fresh like it happened yesterday, all the words that were spoken out of anger and the insults and a whole lots of other things he wanted to forget, but he couldn't, he can't, no matter how hard he tried.

What haunted him til date was the look on her face when they were forcefully torn apart it was as if a part of her died, she was immobile, after that day he never saw her again, her family became distant he became something people gossiped about, and his ex wife Jenna was the only one who kept contact with him.

William would call her whenever he couldn't sleep, whenever he recalled the look on Evelyn's face when they were being torn apart, she would listen quietly as he poured his heart to her.

Jenna forgave him, from the depth of her heart- but she wasn't ready for him to meet their son, she only sent him pictures and videos, he wasn't allowed to witness his first steps nor his first word.

Choices he made, but did he regrets it? The answer is no.

So that day was the same as everyday of his life for the past three years, he would go out to work and come home, down a drink or two then cried out into the empty dark house. He should have left the house but he couldn't, a part of him was so sure she'd be back and they'd be together and the other, he chose not to dwell on it.

William dragged his fingers lazily through his hair with his free while the other hand was holding his briefcase and keys. He heaved a sigh when he stared at Evelyn's house, calling out to the universe to just see her that would be enough. For now.

William tore his gaze away from her house, getting into his car, his hands gripped the steering wheel tightly resting his head against the car seat. She will come back. She has to. He muttered softly underneath his breath.

Three years is long, so long that Evelyn's heart beat rapidly in her chest, she was coming back after three long years, leaving him utterly in silence, not having the strength to fight enough for them.

"You good"? Her uncle asked softly casting a glance at her, her fists were clenching and unclenching.

"Yes, I am, but a bit nervous". She answered truthfully. She was beyond nervous. Would he want her back? Will he embrace her in arms? Will he know that she never stopped thinking about him ever since they were being forcefully torn apart? Those were the thoughts running through her head.

"He will, I am sure he will". She turned to face her uncle.

"Did I say that out loud"? She questioned bringing her finger nails to her mouth, biting on them.

"No, but it's written all over your face". Then her uncle kept quiet shaking his head softly. "I shouldn't have, I shouldn't have done that. I had no right to choose for you, I was supposed to be understanding and accept you for who you are, it was so wrong of me to do that to both of you. Evelyn I am terribly sorry for everything I said that day, everything single day I regretted doing that".

Evelyn could only stare, she was upset at her family members for judging her, judging them. Hell after she was forced to leave with her uncle, she tried escaping on numerous occasions, they froze her credit card, seized her phone. They basically locked her in her room only opening the door when the food was ready aside that she was re-living the fairy tale Rapunzel only without the long hair.

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