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I risk my life, to be yours.


Song. With you.

There are some things we can't avoid no matter how much we planned for it, ahead or before it. Evelyn knew ending her marriage with Jacob would do a whole lot of damage but not this kind of damage.

Her extended family were furious, some came from far distances for her wedding, but everything went down the hill after she broke up with Jacob. She did told him about her infidelity, he was furious, livid even. He took the liberty of telling everyone that was present in her house that day.

After that, he told his own family. The tension after Jacob had dropped the bomb was thick, filled with only the sound of Evelyn's heart, her heart was beating rapidly against her rib cage. For a moment she screwed her eyes shut, awaiting their judgment.

Her uncle was the first to talk. "Is it true Evelyn"? He asked, his voice was too calm, and hallow.

Something that scared her, she hardly see her extended family members and when she did, it was mostly for occasions and this one happened to be her own occasion and yet, everything was going south.

"Yes". She found herself answering despite the way her heart was beating, she was surprised her voice came out confident.

Things you do for love.

Love. Her heart clenched when she thought about William, she did all these for him, at that moment she wished she could be with him. Run into his awaiting arms, wound her arms so tightly around his neck and feel safe, while his own strong arms circling her waist pulling her more into his body. Even as her eyes were closed she could already picture everything and It was perfect. Well, almost perfect.

"You are a disgrace Evelyn, having an affair with a married man, how could you? Haven't your mother thought you better"? She pried her eyes open, all pair of fourteen eyes were on her, each held their own emotions. Some were judgemental, some were disappointed, some were understanding. She glanced at everyone before staring back at her uncle.

"Answer me damn it, how could you Evelyn, how could you?"

"I am sorry". Her voice was no longer confident, her legs beneath her were about to give up on her, but she held her ground clenching her fists together.

"I am sorry, I am a disgrace, I am sorry I slept with a married man, I deserve everything, every single thing". She breathed out softly "But I am not sorry for loving him".

Gasps were heard, her mother clenched the nearest person that was close to her hard. She couldn't say anything. All she could do was stare at her daughter.

"Love"? Her uncle asked. "Love Evelyn? Love is when you get married to Jacob, not you fucking a married man, he is married Evelyn. Married!! Do you need me to spell it out to you"? He ran his fingers lazily through his hair, pacing back and forth muttering words under his breath.

"You are ending everything with this man, I don't care, you are ending it with him".

"No". Her confidence was back again. Jenna's sacrifice won't be for nothing, her giving up her husband for her won't be for nothing. She wasn't about to give up her heart for them, not now, not ever.

"What"? He stood still.

"No". She repeated her voice more firmer and louder. "I am not ending anything with William".

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