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Hey y'all long time no update, I can't begin to explain why I haven't been updating but I was going through a lot my brother's death and my grandma took a whole toll on me, it was hard on  me(still is). So uhmm I do not support cheating, I am in no way supporting cheating no matter what. So please do bear it in mind its all work of fiction.

Enjoy. Thank you for the comments and votes, I am better (I hope). If you have any question send me a direct message. Thank you.

Risk, my favorite word.


Song. Lead me to you.

We all want something that we can't have, it is either bad for us or too good for us either way we sometimes, most times don't get it.

William was in utter chaos ever since she broke everything off, in all honesty he should be glad, first she is starting a new life, having her own family secondly, he's a married man with a pregnant wife which due date is fast approaching but instead he felt no excitement, no trill just there. He hid himself with work, rarely spend time at home, and whenever he was at home he'd be in the gym, releasing all his tensions to the poor bags. He'd punch till his knuckles become sore, and keep repeating the methods. She was all he could see, hear and breath, she found her way up in his skin, viens and he couldn't fight it. To add salt to the injury he rarely see her, it was as if she was avoiding him, he'd be on the look out in bedroom window hoping to have her figure glance by but no, he'd always end up disappointed.

Whenever his wife asked. He would smile and tell her everything is fine. No, nothing is fine.

"What are you doing to me Evelyn". He whispered underneath his breath screwing his eyes shut, the images of her naked body flashed before his eyes, her soft moans. He opened his eyes leaned back into couch and exhaled. Breathing in and out.

"Evelyn". He called out her name into the air, what he'd give to her with him. He craved her in every way. "Please just let me see her once, that's all then I will let her go". Between him and himself he knew he was lying, he couldn't let her go, he was that selfish.

He stood up with a determination of seeing her no matter the cause, he could march down to her house and request to see her, or march down to her fiance's home and see her, he did a little stalking on her fiancé, okay maybe not a little but a bit much. Either way he was going to see her and nothing would stop him.

William showered changed into a pair of Jean and a comfortable shirt, wrote a little note for Jenna, sticked it to the fridge, took his car keys, his own keys and locked the house. The walk to her house was roughly a minute of two, but he found himself walking faster to her house. William knocked on the door two times before her mother answered it.

"William". She smiled a genuine smile. "Come in". She opened the door, stepping aside for him to enter. He thanked her then entered inside.

"What brings you here? Everything okay? Oh my God is it Jenna"? A look of concern was etched on her face.

"Oh, no, it's not Jenna and everything is fine, I want to see Evelyn". He saw her face changed from concern to confusion  then he added. "I have a message for her, it's from Jenna". Then her face relaxed, bringing back the smile again.

"Oh, you missed her she went out not quite long, she said something like getting a coffee or was it a dress"? She shrugged. "Kids".

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