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But boundless risk must pay for boundless gain.
- William Morris

Song _ heart beat.

William punched the punching bag repeatedly his muscles were sore, crying to take a rest yet he kept going, with every punch he remembered how she held onto him as she came, how her pussy clenched around his cock. How he drove fast into her hot channel.

"Fuck"! He cursed throwing one last punch.

He exhaled, his knuckles sore, not to mention his whole body, he wiped his sweat heading back into the house.

The man went straight into the bathroom, discarding his attire standing under the cold water, nothing could erase the thoughts of Evelyn in his head, nothing at all. And here he thought once he gets to enter her sweet cunt all will be done. But instead he found himself thinking about that faithful day over and over.

"Shit"! He punched the wall, instantly regretting it, his already sore knuckles is now bleeding.

"Will baby, are you okay in there"?. Jenna's soft voice rang outside the door.

"Yeah I am baby, sorry about the noise".

"Are you sure? I heard something".

"Absolutely sure sweetheart".

He waited until he couldn't hear her anymore as he continued his shower.


Evelyn stared at Jenna as she kept asking which theme to pick for the wedding, which cake to use and the flowers. Everytime their eyes meet, she felt like puking. Everytime she sees her smile, her heart clenched.

And God bear her witness the truth was at the tip of her tongue to tell her what she did behind closed doors with her husband maybe just maybe she wouldn't feel much guilt. Maybe just......

"Earth to Evelyn" Jenna's hand appeared, waving at her.

"What are you thinking"?

"Oh nothing" she replied taking a sip of the her drink. "I am listening, what theme do you think will fit"?.

"I am thinking sky blue and white or peach, but oxblood seems cool too".

Evelyn stared at the three colors before her, it was hard deciding, sky blue and white is a very good color, then peach and oxblood, they all seem nice and it was hard deciding.

"I don't know which color to u----". William's voice interrupted her, she felt the whole color of her face draining, there she wished for the ground to open up and swallow her.

"Hey baby". She couldn't look up, she wanted to sink deeper into the couch, her heart accelerated, pool of sweat gradually forming.

Please don't notice me, please don't mention my name. The Lord was against her time for he noticed her and her name was mentioned.

"Hi, Ms Evelyn". William greeted, she swallowed hard straighten up her posture.

"Mr William". Her voice slightly shook at the end of her statement . She reached for her drink her throat suddenly parched and thirsty.

"And I will devour it so damn well".

Evelyn chocked on her drink, coughing loudly, his statement may sound so innocent to others, but to her it has triple fucking meaning.

"Oh my God Eve are you okay"? Jenna was beside her in a flash, gently hitting her back.

"I am fin..e" she wheezed, reaching for the drink again taking a gulp. "I think it went down the wrong pipe, I am fine".

"Are you sure, you are okay"? You don't look the fine to me Ms Evelyn". Again she gulped, why must he make everything so damn sexual?.

"I am f-"

"Oh nonsense" Jenna quipped quickly. "Let me get you water be right back" before Evelyn could protest Jenna was already on  her walking away.

"Yeah, you do that sweetheart. I will just stay here with Ms Evelyn" he practically purred her name.

The air was now thicker, making it so damn fucking hard for her to breath, his gaze burning into her, watching her like a predator.  She started squirming in her seat, no matter how she adjusted into the seat, she could feel his gaze on her skin.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" his deep voice reasonated, the same voice that ordered her.

He moved closer to her, so close she could feel the heat radiating off him, so close she could smell his scent and so fucking close.

"Do I make you nervous Ms Evelyn"? He whispered biting her ear lobe gently.

Her breath got caught in her throat, all rational thoughts left her. Her heart pumping hard against her chest.

She tried so hard to utter a word anything at all, but she couldn't, her motor skills decided to fail her at that particular time.


William gazed at the young woman before him, the same woman that had him craving and thirsty for more of her, what was supposed to be one time thing is about to change.

"I think about that faithful day all the fucking time, how you clenched around my girth" he nuzzled into her neck, inhaling her scent. "How I pound into your hot tight pussy".  He slide his hand into her shirt, gently grazing his fingers on her smooth soft skin.

"I need more of you, more of you, more of your screams as I cum". The large man let go of her just in time as his wife arrived. But not before ordering her to breath.

"Hey, what took you so long"? He stood placing a kiss on her head, his gaze never breaking away from Evelyn.

This woman will be the death of him.

Actually her pussy will be the death of him.

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