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  I don't fall back asleep that night. My Aunt said she would stay with me until I fell asleep, so I just pretended so that she would go away.

 I sat on my bed, staring at the ceiling, not even crying. Not feeling. My mother had come to me in a dream, minutes before she had died. 

I was going to meet my father.


I stretch my stiff legs, then walk over to the vanity mirror on the other side of the room.

 Dark circles under my eyes that look like bruises. 

I walk slowly to the staircase, then look into my Aunt's bedroom. She's not there. I walk down the steps, into the large kitchen. 

She is sitting with a blanket wrapped around her, sipping a cup of tea. 

"Hey, Cat."

I say nothing, walk over and give her a hug.

She starts crying.


That afternoon, my Aunt drives me back to my house to gather some of my things.

My plan was to call my father from my house, plan a meeting spot, then leave at night.

I walk into my house, untouched since when I last saw it. 

I go into my mom's study, stand in front of her desk. Clasping the cold, metallic handle, I pull it open.

 There it sits. A small, leather-bound notebook. I pull it out, flip to the last page and there it is. 

I pick up the phone and dial, hands shaking. 

What if he doesn't believe me?

What if he-

"This is Dean."

"H-hi," I stutter,

"Who is this?"

"I-I'm Catherine. Your daughter."

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