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Cat's P.O.V.

I stare into the eyes of the man that I hate, who I have seen in my visions

The man who killed me.

"What do you want with the Winchesters?" I ask, my voice still shaking with rage.

"They killed my family."

I scoffed. He was probably lying.

"Don't believe me girlie?"

"Just shut up, please?"

Just then, I hear the familiar hum of the Impala followed by doors slamming and footsteps overhead.

"Cat?"  I hear Sam call.

"Down here!" I scream.

They open the cellar door, and I flinch, not used to the light.

"This the guy?" Dean asks, pointing to the man tied up across the room.



Dean walks over to him, machete in hand.

Then, something very strange.

He starts laughing.

Dean looks confused.

"Buddy, I sure wouldn't be laughing if I were you."

"Dean Winchester. Wow. You haven't changed a bit" He said, looking him up and down.

Dean swings the long knife, aligned with his neck.

It makes contact, and I look away, burying my head in Sam's chest.

"What the-"  Dean says, and I look up confused.

His neck is injured, almost cracked-looking, but he is still intact, moving, breathing, living.

The machete on the other hand, is shattered on the floor.

He stands up, ropes falling, Dean stepping back, weaponless.

"What are you?" I ask, confused.

Because he sure as hell isn't a vampire.



Short chapter, sorry. I'm actually in math class right now lol. Update out soon.

Love, Cassiel.

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