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I wake up the next morning feeling rather optimistic. Maybe these visions were a good thing? I had spent my whole life being average. Doesn't everyone want to be special?

I walk down the hall with a bounce in my step.

Sam is sitting at the table, his laptop open in front of him.

"Someone's in a good mood."

"You know what, Sam? I am in a good mood." I smile.

"Well, little miss sunshine, help yourself to some cereal."

I walk over to the pantry and pour myself some cheerios.

"Where's Dean?"

"Still sleeping."

Still? It was almost ten.

"I think he's worried about you."

Just then, Dean walks in and sits at the table.

"Hey," Sam says. "I may have caught us a case. Canton, South Dakota. Seven people with their throats ripped out. Drained of blood."

"A nest?"

"Yeah, probably. I say we check it out."

I interrupt. "A nest? What's that?"

"It's like a family. Of vampires."

"Oh. Right. Anyway, I'm coming with you. You said I could come on your next hunt."

"Fine. If you really want to learn, you can come. We hit the road in ten."

I spring up from my chair, and run to my room. I have packing to do.

I change into a dark green flannel shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans. Then I pin my long, wavy blond hair back. I gather three other flannel shirts, another pair of jeans and my gun that Dean gave me and put them into my bag.

I burrow around in my other bag, looking for my phone.

When I find it, surprise surprise. Seventeen missed calls and thirty unread messages from my aunt.

I shove it back in my bag.

As I am looking for my hairbrush, I pull out a white box. Inside is a note. It says,

Dearest Cat,

Best of luck finding your father.

Make sure you only use this for self defence. Keep it on you at all times.

Lots of love,

Your mother.

I look in the box. Inside is a silver thing. I take it out, inspecting it. It has the initials C.W., Not Cat Lockheart. Cat Winchester. It has a button. I press it, and a blade sticks out the end. A switchblade.

My mother knew she was going to die. She knew they would find her.

I tuck the knife into the inside of my sock.

I am not a lockheart.

I am a Winchester.

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