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 He is tall, taller than Dean but not quite as tall as Sam. We move almost mechanically, he steps forwards and we step back.

But the smile. The smile on his face was painful, a sense of victory lingering on his upturned lips.


Sam's voice rings out in my ears.

I spring into action, scrambling for the handle on the door to the outside world.

I clasp the cool metal, hearing him advance behind us.

We sprint across the unkempt lawn, towards the forest, an uncomfortable sense of Deja-vu  swarming my brain.

I am running, I am running so fast, and I trip.

I curl on the ground in a fatal position, wanting nothing more then to stay here and give up.

"Cat! Get up!" Dean is shouting at me.

And I realize. I realize my determination to be a hunter. My effort.

I want to live.

Grabbing his strong, reassuring hand, I stand up and run again.

His laughter echoes through the forest, running close behind us.

Dean stops, so suddenly that I run into him.

The man is pointing a gun at him.

"This is what happens when you kill my family!" His voice rings out in my head.

Dean can't die.

I spring in front of Dean, just as he pulls the trigger.

I feel the bullet make impact, and then I feel nothing.

I feel nothing.





Also, NOT THE END OF THE STORY!!! There is more to come (Winky face).

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