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  As we drive back to the motel, we stop at a restaurant. It looked high-end.

"Um, Dean? What are we doing here?"

We pull to a stop.

"Eating. What else?"

"What about the diner we ate at last night? That was pretty good."

I didn't want them spending money on me.

Dean laughs.

"It's not like we have to pay for it!"

Oh, right. Fake credit cards.

"Anyway, consider it your, um, special birthday diner."


After we eat, (the best meal of my life, by the way), we drive back to the motel. I feel so full, I want to just curl up and sleep.

No time for that.

I need to practice.

I pull out the knife, twirling it between my fingers. It feels so natural.

Right then, I get a knock on my door.

Holding the knife behind my back like Dean taught me, I cautiously open the door.

"Hey," Dean says.

"It's just you." I breathe a sigh of relief.

Dean looks upset. I wave the knife in the air, realization spreading across his face.

"Well, glad my lessons are paying off."

I roll my eyes. "What?"

"Sam and I are watching a movie. Wanna join?"

I think about it. Practice my knife skills or watch a movie with Sam and Dean.

"What movie?"

Dean grins. "Jeez, you always this difficult?"

"Guess it runs in the family. Sure, just give me a sec."

"Knock twice when you're ready."

He turns to go.

"And Dean?"

He looks at me.

"Thanks for thinking of me."

"Anytime, kid."

He turns and walks out the door, gently closing it behind him.


Five minutes later, I am heading out my door in sweats and an old band tee shirt Dean gave to me.

I stop dead in my tracks, slowly turn around.

A man is standing behind me.

The man from my vision.

The man that killed me.

I scream, but he hits me over the head and I slip into a dark, comatose state of fear.


Dean's P.O.V

I am sitting on the edge of my bed, waiting for Cat, when I hear a scream.


Sam rushes over, grabbing his gun from the table. I untuck mine from my waistband.

We point them forward as we step outside our door.


Cat's door is open, creaking with the breeze.


No answer.

Still holding my gun out in front of me, I slowly advance towards her door.

I round the corner, and my eyes dart around the empty room.

"Son of a bitch!" I yell at the empty room.

She's gone.

I need to find her, and kill whatever took her.

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