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 If I have learned one thing from my time with the Winchesters, it's that there is always a way. That's what I am trying to remember as I try to fish my knife out of my boot when a figure emerges out of the shadows.

"Well, well, well. Look who decided to regain consciousness."

I took a long look at his face. He was definitely the man from my vision, but other than that, he looked completely unfamiliar.

"What the hell do you want?" I spit.

"Oh, nothing with you. You're just the bait." He says, walking closer.

"Bait for who? The Winchesters?"

"Yep. I have recently discovered that you are Dean's daughter. I thought that was just the cutest plot twist. A broken man, reunited with his daughter thirteen years later." He lets out an exaggerated sigh. "I just had to wait for the right chance to spring."

"Let me go, or I swear, I'll-"

He laughs. "You've got a lot of fight in you, Missy. They've taught you well."

"Not well enough, apparently."

It was still dark, and he couldn't see past my face, a sliver of light shining through a cracked floorboard. I took this as an opportunity. 

Gently bringing my legs up, I fished the knife out of my boot, its reassuring metal cool and comforting.

I slowly moved it back and forth along the rope, trying not to make any noise.

Almost there.

Got it!

I spring up from the chair, startling my captor. 

I slice the knife across his arm. 

"You really think that's going to hurt me?"

This knife is silver. 

Not a shifter.

Then, as if hearing my thoughts, he smiled.

Long, sharp teeth covered his human ones.



I racked my brain trying to remember anything I had learned about vampires.


I look around the room for anything I could possible use.

A sharp pipe is in the corner.

I run for it, but he catches me, holding a knife to my throat.

I grab his arms, twisting them behind his back, knife clattering to the ground.


After I tie him up, I look for a phone to call Dean with.

I find a dusty landline in the corner of the room and dial Dean's number.


Dean's P.O.V.

I am driving along the highway in desperate attempt to find Cat when my phone rings.

"Hello?" I asked, assuming it was her captor asking for ransom.

Instead, Cat's voice  shook from the other end.

"Hey? Dean?"

"Yeah I'm here. Where are you?"

"I don't know. It's dark."

"Where is he? Is he there?"

"Yeah, I tied him up. It's a vamp, Dean." Her worried voice rang out.

"Okay. Stay there. Ask him the address."

She sets the phone down, and I hear him scream.

"Dean? You there?"

"Yeah. I'm here."

"3234 Mill Street. In a cellar, I think."

"See you soon."

I hang up, punching the speed.

I need to get to her.



So sorry, haven't updated in a while. School is getting hectic.

You are all awesome, thank you for 539 views!!!

Love, Cassiel.

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