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I can tell the lady is staring me down, questioning why I am  here.

"Ms. Anderson, do you mind if we come in?"

"Isn't she a little, um, young? To be FBI, I mean?"

"No. she's our agent trainee."

I smile, then show her my badge.

"Come in."

Her house is quaint, like something out of a 'Home Living' magazine.


"No, thanks." We sit down.

"What did you see?"

"You aren't going to believe me. No one does."

"Try us. Trust me, whatever it is, we've seen weirder."

"I was downtown with some friends. I left the restaurant and was walking home when I heard something coming from an ally way. I glanced in, and I saw it."

"What was it?" Dean questions.

"It was a person. I think. He was...... killing him."

"Right. And did you see anything else? Anything you thought was.. strange?"

Give it up, Dean

"You mean besides someone killing a man in an ally way?"


"There was this one thing. The reason everyone thinks I am crazy.

He was.. um, biting his neck. He had these horrible pointed teeth. It looked like he was, well, drinking his blood."

"Like a vampire?" The words slip out of my mouth before I realize I have said anything.

The woman stares at me.


"I think I'd like you to leave."

"But Ms. Anderson, we-"


As we walk out the door, Dean stares at me patronizingly. Much to my surprise, he smiles. Sam looks like he's about to start laughing.

I mouth the words, 'I'm sorry,' and we walk back to the Impala.

"Look, I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have-"

They burst out laughing.

"Did you see her face?" Sam says.

"Yeah, it looked like she was eating a lemon!"

"Wait, you aren't mad?"

"Hell, no. That was, that was priceless."

Okay then.

Maybe this isn't so bad after all.

Maybe I do belong here.

Maybe I am a hunter.

We speed away, and for once in my life I am looking forward to the next day.

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