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"Hello, Dean"

All I can do is stand, frozen in place. He is of average height, with short, dark hair and sincere blue eyes, wearing a beige trench coat.

"Cas! How's it goin'?" says Dean.

"Things are going very well. Why did you call me?" the angel asks, confused.

"Cas, there's someone we want you to meet." Says Sam, turning to me.

"Hi, I'm Cat. It's, um, nice to meet you."

"Hi, I'm Castiel. Dean, who is this?"

"She's my daughter."

"I didn't know you had a daughter. It's very nice to meet you, Cat." He shakes my hand.

"So, you're an angel?"

"Um, yes. Dean, can I have a word?"

"Sure, Cas."

They get up and walk into the kitchen.

"Hey, Cat? Let's get you unpacked."

Sam grabs my bags from the car and leads me down the hall to a small bedroom, with the only furniture being a bed and a desk.

"I know it's not much, but-"

"No, it's fine. Thanks."

He nods, then turns to leave.

"Wait, Sam?"


He turns back to face me.

"What do you think they're talking about?"

"Cas probably just wanted to know a bit more. That's all."

"Right, okay."

He turns and walks back down the hall.

I don't believe that for one second.

I peek out my doorway, making sure Sam was gone. Then I tiptoe down the hall to the door of the kitchen. I can hear them arguing.

"You know why, Dean. That girl has incredible supernatural powers. If they got their hands on her-"

"I'm not going to let that happen."

"It doesn't matter. We have no way of protecting her. They already got to her mom, now they want her."

No. My mom died in a car crash. Nobody caused that, nobody could have stopped it.

"Her mom died in a car crash, Cas"

"Do you honestly believe that, Dean?"

Dean hesitates. I step into the kitchen.

"What killed my mother."

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