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When Sam gets back, we eat, and I shower and go to bed. I lie awake for quite sometime, wondering if my life will ever go back to the way it was before. It seems so distant, that life. I was a different girl. Eventually, I drift off.

We are running

I trip and fall.

Dean runs over, calling my name.

I get up and we run again, me a few paces behind Dean.

He stops suddenly, I run into him.

The man shoots.

I jump.

I fall.


I awake in a start, sitting up in bed panting.

I run down the hall and knock on Dean's door.

It opens, and he takes in my shortness of breath.

"Cat, what's wrong? Another vision?"

I nod.

"The same one, actually. It's repeating."

Sam runs down the hall.

"Another vision?"

I nod.

"It's repeating," Dean says.

We walk to the kitchen. Dean pours me a glass of milk.

"Okay. Try to get some sleep. We'll talk about this in the morning."

"Right. Okay. Sorry for waking you up."

"Cat? Don't apologise. I understand how scary this can be. I had visions too." Sam says

"What? You did?"

"Yeah. I don't get them anymore, but yeah. They'd wake me up, too."

I walk back to my room, burrow under the covers, and drift into a quiet, peaceful, visionless sleep.

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