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"Hello, Dean"

My voice is smooth like honey, startling Dean who hesitates for a moment before pressing the knife back to my throat.

"Get out of her, you pathetic son of a bitch."

The anger in his voice is almost unbearable.

"Dean, it's me. Cat."

"Cat is dead! I saw her die."

"No, Dean, I'm an angel now. I swear. It's me."

Dean looks torn.  Right then, as if on cue, I hear the flutter of wings coming from behind Dean. He spins behind me, still holding the knife to my throat. It's the same angel that gave me my grace, that brought me back.

"It is her, Dean. This is not a trick."

"Oh yeah? And who the hell are you?"

"My name is Hannah. Cat was assigned to me when she came to heaven. I brought her back."

I twist out of Dean's hold, so smoothly that it leaves him stumbling back.

"It's me, Dean."

Sam runs in.


I turn to face him.


"In the flesh." I smile.

Hannah turns to face Dean.

"It really is her, Dean. We had to bring her back. We had orders to bring her back."

Dean lets the knife fall from his grasp.

"Orders. Like, from God?"  Dean asks in disbelief.

Hannah rolls her eyes. "Yes, from God. This girl has incredible gifts. Angelic gifts. She was born to become an angel."

Dean registers this. "Cat?" He asks, a tear slipping down his face.

"It's me, Dean."

He rushes over, grasping me in a hug so tight I almost can't breathe.

"I thought I lost you. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have let that man take you. I should have protected you."

I pull away. "Dean, it's okay. It's not your fault."

And with that, Hannah leaves with a fluttering of wings and no goodbye.



So sorry I haven't updated in so long!! I am also trying to write my NaNoWriMo story at the same time, and things are getting hectic! I worked out a schedule to try to balance things out though. New update out soon, I promise!

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