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I finish packing my things and head out to the Impala where Sam and Dean are waiting for me. Should I show them the knife? Probably not if I want to keep it. But I have to.

"Hey. I, um, found this in my bag. My mom wanted me to have it."

I hold out the knife, letting them inspect it. I press down on the button and the blade shoots out the end.

"Give it to me. Don't worry, I'll keep it safe."


"No. I'm keeping it."

"No, you're not. C'mon, hand it up."

"Dean, she's right. She needs something, and you won't let her carry a gun."

"Damn straight! I don't want you to have a weapon. Hand it up."

"Dean, if you are trying to protect me, this is the best way. I need a way to defend myself!"

"No, you don't."

"Yes, I do!"

"Guys, hey, settle down. Dean, it's just a knife. It's not the end of the world."

Dean glances at me in the rear view mirror.

I glare back and he looks away.

I stick the knife in my waistband. I certainly won that argument.

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Eventually, we pull into the parking lot of the morgue.

"You stay here."

Where else am I going to go?

I stretch out on the backseat. This will probably take a while.

Thirty minutes later, I am still in the backseat, and they are still in the morgue.

Maybe I should do some snooping around.

Bad idea

I open my door and look around to make sure they're not coming back yet.

Stepping up to the passenger's seat, I open the door, sit down and close it up again. I start with the glove box. Rummaging around, I find a box with a plethora of fake ID's.


I throw it back in, disgusted.

Next is a stack of cash. Looking at it, I'd say there was at least three thousand dollars. Next is another box. Credit cards. Also fake, I'm guessing.

The drivers side door opens, and Dean looks in.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"You guys are credit card scammers, too?"

"It's not like hunting has the biggest pay. Get out."

Rolling my eyes, I get up and retreat to the backseat.

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