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 A/N: Chapter 30! Yeahh!!

Almost 4k??? woahhhhh guys I'm in shock!


I pace back and forth in the bunker. I just want Sam and Dean to come back. For Cas to check in. Anything. But, I know how It goes. They're on a hunt, they can't have any distractions. I'm a distraction.

This whole angel power thing was very anticlimactic. Cas says I just need to practise, to become as good as he is. I doubt that. I just want to be normal again. But isn't this what everyone wants? To be special? Different? I sigh. My theory is that people always want what they can't have. They are considered normal, they want to be different. I want to be normal, now look at me. I'm in a high-grade security bunker with two boys that hunt monsters and an angel baby.

Sitting on my bed, kicking my feet in the air out of boredom, I realize that my room could use some more décor. With the placid beige walls and little amount of festivity, it looks like fifty shades of khaki.

As I am envisioning  what color of drapes I should get and what shade of off-white I should paint the walls, I hear a noise from the library. Frozen, I listen again. Definitely not my imagination. I grab my angel blade from my nightstand and tiptoe down the stairs and into the library. There is someone in the kitchen! I lean against the wall, count to three and-


Castiel emerges from the kitchen, holding a bag of groceries. I exhale.

"Cas, you just about gave me a heart attack. What are you doing here?" I take the bag from him and start rummaging through it.

"Dean wanted to make sure you had enough to eat, so he sent me on a grocery run. I didn't mean to startle you."

I know angels don't have to eat, but Cas said that I can if I want to. I still like eating, I find it gives me more energy. Cas said some angels are like that.

"I need a new phone. I threw my other one in a stream because my aunt kept texting."

Castiel looks at me. He sits down. "Cat, it's not to late to go back. You could have a normal life. I wouldn't wish this one upon my worst enemies."

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, a normal life. I think the kids in my class would get a little suspicious if I never aged."

He smiles. "I suppose that is true." He stands up.

"Where are you going? You aren't going to stay?" The feeling of loneliness sweeps over me again.

"Cat, come with me. There is someone I'd like for you to meet. Her name is Claire Novak."

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