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"How was the morgue?" I ask, finally breaking the silence.

We are speeding along the highway, looking for a motel to spend the night.

"Well, let's just say it was definitely a nest. Sucked the poor guy dry."

We pull into the parking lot of a rather sketchy looking Motel.

Sam and Dean get out and walk towards the office.

I hope he gets me my own room. I am not sleeping on the floor.

Sure enough, he hands me a key.

"We're right next door. If you need anything, don't be afraid to knock on our door."

I nod, grab my bags, and walk up to my room.

"Thanks, Dean."

I smile

He smiles back.

The inside is not as sketchy as it looked from the outside. It's actually quite nice.

I take a warm shower and curl up on the bed.

I drift into a quiet, dreamless sleep.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

 The next morning there is a knock on my door.

"Cat? We're going to go talk to some of the witnesses. Do you want to come or stay here?"

"I'm coming!"    I yell back, flustering around the room trying to find my other shoe.

Rushing out the door, I freeze.

I turn around, walk to my nightstand and pick up my knife.

I turn it in my hands, the cool metal so refreshing.

And I shove it in my shoe, running out to the Impala.

. . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I thought that they were going to make me stay in the car again. But much to my surprise, when we pulled into the drive of a large Victorian-styled house Dean motioned for me to follow.

Okay, then.

"What's with the change of heart?" I ask.

"You have to learn somehow."

He digs around in his pocket.


He hands me a badge, a picture of my face on the front, with FBI in blue lettering.

"Happy birthday. From me and Sam."


 "They'll never buy it. I'm only fifteen."

"If they have a problem, they can contact our 'supervisor.' Right Sammy?"

They exchange a look.

"Yeah, I guess. Shall we?"

I'm not even going to ask.

We walk up to the door, nerves pumping through me.

What if they know our badges are fake?

What if she knows I'm to young to be FBI?

I don't have very much time to worry.

The door opens.

Sam flashes his badge.

"Hello. FBI. We'd like to ask you a few questions?"

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