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WOOOOOOW 2.2K???????? thank you all soooooo much!

Happy new year!

WARNINGSlight violence in this chapter. (Not descriptive, just thought I should let you know)


We are in the basement of the bunker, tying up the demon that I trapped. He is still cursing at me, and Dean gets frustrated and gags him.

"So, now what?" I ask. "We kill him?"

"Not yet. Now we ask questions."

He walks out of the room, leaving me alone in the semi-lit space. I inspect his face.

"What's your name?" I ask hesitantly. I walk slowly across the room toward his chair. Is there a human in there still? Sam and Dean told me about demonic possession. An innocent person could be locked inside their own body, as long as nothing happened that could kill him.

You shot him. He's dead. Just like your mom, and you will be too.

  Just as I reach out to take the cloth out of his mouth, I feel Dean grab me from behind.

"Son of a bitch! Cat, I told you not yet. He's dangerous. Sam and I think he killed your mom."

"Then let's get to work." I walk towards the small circular table in the center of the room, towards a duffle bag of stuff Dean chose out. I pull out the holy water and toss it to Dean. He looks confused.


"You think you're staying in here? Cat, go. This can get pretty bad."


"No," I say with more assurance than I feel is necessary. "Dean, this thing killed my mom. I'm staying. I can handle it."

He hesitates for a second. "You sure? I don't know, Cat."

I nod. "I'm sure."

"Okay," he says, approaching the demon. "Let's get to work."


 At first, with the holy water, he still didn't talk. Same with the salt. Dean pulls an angel blade from his bag, turning it in his hand a few times as if to get used to its weight.

"I said, what's your name?" Dean says, dragging the blade across his chest, leaving a shallow pool of crimson red running down his body.

He yells, but his yell turns into a laugh.

Dean pulls his face close to the demon's. "You think this is funny? You think this is worth a laugh?" He is yelling now. "Just wait 'till I'm done with you, you twisted son of a bitch."

He drags the blade over his flesh one more time and I feel sick.

"Dean, wait. I'm an angel. I can heal, but I can cause pain, too. Let me."

He hesitantly steps back, leaving a close gap between himself and the demon. I place my hand on his forehead. Increase the pressure. I remember Cas's words, they echo in my head.

"Wait, wait!" He says, clearly in pain. I step back. "I killed your mommy." His eyes flash back. "She screamed, you know. You should have seen her." Then he lets out a laugh. He killed my mother, and he's laughing. I press my palm to his forehead, increasing the pressure right away instead of gradually. Dean is yelling, but I can't stop. All I hear is the laughing. And then it stops. You killed him.

Then everything goes dark.

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