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 He leads me out of the cafe and into the back parking lot, where the Impala sits looking rather out of place in the rows of run down minivans and pick-up trucks. 

"In here."  

Sam tosses him the keys, and he unlocks the trunk. He must see my confused expression because he says, "You'll see" and pulls the roof up.

"What the-" I stumble back, startled.

Inside is an array of guns and knives, mixed together with a few bibles and...

"Holy water?" I ask, suspicious.

A twist of a smile, "Yep. Told you I wasn't lying." 

These people are crazy, I think.

These people are my family.

He picks up a particularly long gun.

"Rocksalt. Won't kill a ghost, but it will damn sure slow them down."

He tosses it back in the trunk, picks up a long knife looking thing.

"Angel blade. Pretty self-explanatory, kills angels."

Picks up another knife.

"Silver. Kills shifters."


"Shapeshifters. You know-"


"Well, we're not exactly sure. We think it has something to do wi-"

"No. Why do you have all this stuff?"

"I told you. We hunt monsters."

"Prove it."

"Prove what?"

"Prove that monsters are real."

"What about angels? If you meet one, will you believe us?"

I hesitate. "Yes."

Then he turns to Sam and smiles. Cas?  Sam's mouths.

Dean nods, and we get into the car and drive away.

.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

 When we pull into a laneway it is five forty-five in the morning. 

I get out of the car and stretch my legs, then shiver. 

"Here," says Dean as he hands me his jacket. "You can unpack later. For now, we've got work to do."

"Thanks," I say.

Dean smiles. "It's good to be home."

I stare at the house. No, house was the wrong word. Bunker. It was mostly underground, with one section stretching out above the surface.

"Men of letters bunker. This is where we, well, live, I guess," Sam says. "Let's go."

We walk to the door, where Sam enters a code. It beeps, and I step inside.

It looks much bigger, and cozier, on the inside than on the outside, with a huge set of stairs leading into a huge library. 

"Home sweet home. Let's get to work." 

"Dean, are you sure you want to do this?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, Sammy, I'm sure." Dean closes his eyes and looks up. "Cas, you got your ears on? There's someone I want you to meet."

I don't expect it to work, but then I see a male figure standing in front of Sam.

"Hello, Dean"

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Thank you all for reading! Sorry, I haven't updated in a while, my power has been off since Friday due to a tornado that struck near my house.

- Liv

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