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Thank you all so much for so many views. I appreciate it sooooo much! You don't even know.

Side note: what did you all think of the new episode? Are you excited for 300? I sure am.


"Cat? Cat?" Deans worried voice fades in and out.

"Dean, she'll be fine. She is an angel. We heal fast." Cas.

I open my eyes. I am on the floor.

"Cat! Thank God. You scared me."

"Did I kill it?" All I can think about. Cas walks over, helps me off the floor.

"Yes. Your powers are very strong.  We need to work on your control,"

And this was the day of my first kill.


The rest of the day is pretty uneventful. Sam and Dean left for a hunt that they said was "to dangerous" for me. I am so exhausted that I don't even argue.

Cas left. Sam and Dean left. I am all alone in the desolate living space that is the bunker. After sleeping for a while and looking through the library, I am bored. Wandering around, I remember that I brought my phone and my laptop! I run up the stairs taking them two at a time. When I power on my phone, my jaw drops. It reads, 1,231 unread messages. All from my aunt. I have to get a new phone. But would it really hurt to call her? She would track the call. I would have to destroy it after. I dial her number. It rings three times before someone picks up on the other line.

"Hello?" Her voice is tired, slightly panicked. Broken.

"Hi." I don't know what to say, so 'hi' seems appropriate.

"Cat? Is that you?" Something else now. Hopeful.

"I'm fine. Don't bother looking for me. I'm safe. You're never going to see me again."

"No, Cat, it doesn't have to be that way. Tell me where you are. I can come-"

"No. It's not safe."

"Cat? Is someone after you? You need to tell me, honey."

"I have to go. Goodbye."

I slam my phone down on the table.

You did this to her.

You broke her.

I walk out of the bunker, drop my phone in a stream, and head back.

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