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 "You're my what?"

"I'm your daughter."

"I don't have a daughter."

"Um, yes, you do, you are speaking to her."

Silence. I thought maybe he had hung up.

"Hello?" I finally said.

"Yeah, uh, do you want to meet somewhere?"

"Sure. I live in Lawrence, Kansas. You know the place?"

"Yeah. What time?"

"Eleven work for you? At the gas station off third street?"

"See you then."

And with that, he hung up. I set the phone back on the desk, gather my things and leave.


  Back at my Aunts house, I spend most of the time in my room. I plan exactly how I will sneak out of the house, and at what time. 

 I pack my duffel bag full of jeans and flannel, then grab my leather satchel bag and fill it with my phone and my laptop, then set them in my closet.


  I wait until the red numbers on my clock read ten oh' five, then sneak into the hall to see if my aunt is asleep. She isn't in her bedroom.

I carefully walk down the stairs, peek around the corner. My Aunt is sitting at the table, tea in hand, crying.

And you are going to leave her like this?  Says a voice in my head.

I contemplate this for a minute, then decide on a note.

I run back to my room and write a quick note.

 Aunt Sylvia,

 I'm sorry.

I need a bit of time to work things out on my own.

Don't try to look for me, I am fine.

I know I am only fourteen, but I know very well how to take care of myself.



Then I set it on my nightstand and open my window.


                                                                                     AUTHOR'S NOTE

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- Any comments/recommendations on what you would like to happen?

- All commentary is appreciated!

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