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Sooo I didn't die! I just needed to get my shit back together. My shit has been put back together, so I'm writing again! *gives self high five* I'm so so so sorry for not updating, but I'm back! Y'all know how it can be. Anyway, Chapter 31, here we go!

"So, let me get this straight. Your father was Jimmy Novak, Castiel's vessel." Claire sips her coffee.

 "Yup. Now he's dead. For a while, I blamed Cas. But I know it's not his fault." She shoots a pained look at Cas, who just gives a reassuring smile. She looks me up and down.

 "So, you're an angel, huh?" Claire is nice, but not exactly what I had expected. I was thinking that she'd be rude, like most other hunters, but she wasn't at all. She just seemed...broken. Like she was missing parts.

 "Yes. It's pretty overrated, though. But I guess that's easy for me to say." She laughs at my commentary, amused. I hope I get to see her more often, I've forgotten how nice it is to talk to someone close to my age. We chat for a while longer, and somehow we end up in a competition to see who is the best at throwing knives. I win, and she pats me on the back approvingly. When she has to leave to go visit someone named Jody Mills, she tells me that next time she visits she'll bring Alex with her. I don't know who Alex is, but I nod and say goodbye, happy that she'll be returning. My boredom temporarily cured, it is now around five in the afternoon. Unsure of what to do, I browse the internet looking for more cases for when the boys get back. Cas left, leaving me all alone.

Suddenly, the door opens, and I turn around frantically before seeing Dean and Sam come through the door. Relieved, I rush over with a big smile on my face.

 "I missed you guys so much! How'd the hunt go? Why are you back so early?" Flooded by my million questions, Dean laughs and they hug me back, leading me to the table to sit and talk. "The hunt went really well. Shifter, like we thought. Things blew over quicker than normal, so here we are." I'm happy that I don't have to be alone anymore. I don't mind not having anyone around me, but the boredom, not having anything to do, is what gets me. Sam and Dean exchange a look before looking back at me. Oh no.

 "What?" I say, my face falling. "Oh no, it's nothing. We just have a question," Sam says, fighting a smile. "Shoot." "Well, ok," Dean says. "We were just wondering, for your own safety, if you would mind getting a tattoo. Anti-possession, like ours." I wasn't expecting that.

 "I thought angels couldn't get possessed?" I question, rather confused. "Well, were not exactly sure. We don't want to take any chances." Sam seems hesitant, like he didn't want to ask. I was more surprised that Dean, most overprotective father ever, wanted me to get a tattoo. "I'm in," I reply.

But one thing's bothering me. Why did they suddenly think of this? Was it just a random thought, or were we at risk? I have no idea, but I intend to find out.

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