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One word. School. Chuck help me.


Now that I am, well, an angel and all, I am taking it upon myself to learn more self defence, and all my "fancy angel juice powers" as Dean calls them. I stand on the grass, a nice soft landing in case this goes horribly wrong, which it probably will according to Cas.

"Like this?" I ask, holding my fingers to Dean's arm.

"Yes. Now take a deep breath, and focus on healing him."

I am slightly shocked that Castiel actually agreed to help me. It was probably an order.

"But he isn't hurt. There's nothing wrong with him." I ask, confused as to how this is supposed to help.

As if on cue, Dean pulls his switchblade from his pocket and clicks it open. They must see the look of shock that spreads across my face, because Dean looks at me and says,

"What? You're going to heal it anyway. No harm done."

And with that, before I could get out my words of protest, he drags the blade across his skin revealing a shallow cut.

He doesn't even flinch.

Cas taps me on the shoulder.

"Now, do what I said. Focus on healing, on sealing the skin. It may take a couple weeks to get it right, but eventually you will get there."

Nodding, I close my eyes and do what Cas said. I picture the skin re-forming, healing itself to the point where you couldn't tell there was ever anything there.

I open my eyes.

Cas stares at me in awe, and Dean just smirks, a proud expression on his face.

I glance down at Dean's arm.

There is nothing there. No tell, no scar, nothing.

I did it. I did it. "I did it!" I yell, hugging Cas.

Castiel looks confused, and eventually hugs back.

"I think this calls for a celebratory dinner. Cas? You in?"

"I don't think that would be very wise. There has been some talk on angel radio. The demons that killed your mom are coming. We need to stay here, and protect Cat."

"Delivery it is. You okay, Cat?"

I contemplate this. "Yeah. When they come, we'll be ready."

Dean looks at me, smiling. "We'll be ready."

And with that, we walk towards the bunker and I think. I think of how much I've grown, how much I've come to learn here. How much I have come to love these people who were strangers not long ago.

We'll be ready.

I know it.

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