1.4K 32 3


OMGGGGG 1.7k????? (sounds of excitement)

Messed up my chapter #'s lol.


  If there is anything I have learnt from my time with the Winchesters, it's that Dean loves his pie. We are driving to the nearest bakery, despite Cas's words of warning. After thirty minutes of argument, I left the bunker armed with my gun and switchblade, both safely tucked away in the waistband of my jeans.

"Cat?" Dean says, waking me up out of my daze. "Yeah?"

"I just wanted to say that I'm really proud of you. You've come really far, and I just wanted to say that. I'm also sorry. I should never have left your mother, she needed me, and so did you."

I don't even know what to say. "Thanks, Dean. It's not your fault. I would do the same if I were in your situation. Now shut up, and lets go get some pie."

"That's my daughter, alright." 


We arrive at the pie shop, deep into a conversation about what the best type of pie is. We decided to get blueberry, for me, and apple for Dean.

Dean says he wants to get coffee, so I find a secluded bench and decide to sit down. After about five minutes, I pull out my phone and start playing a random game.

I hear someone sit on the bench across from me.

"Took you long enough. What were you-"

I glance upwards. It's not Dean.

"Come with me. Don't scream or I will shoot you. Angel killing bullets."

His eyes flash black. He's a demon.

"We go out the back door. Leave your phone."

I set my phone on the table. My knife will be useless, but I remember Dean carving a small devil's trap on each of my bullets.

I stand up, walking with him out the back door, subtly pulling my gun out of my waistband. Once we get outside, I turn around and shoot him in the shoulder.

He yells, not of pain but of frustration, and lets out a series of curses.

"Come here you little-" He tries to advance, but he can't. He's trapped. I can't help but feel good about myself.

"Cat? Are you out here?"

Dean emerges from around the corner, just in time.

"Dean!" I yell, pointing at the man. "He's a demon!"

He points his gun.

"It's okay. I got him."

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