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🌃 Night. 🌃

Kiyeon was sleeping.

She was walking in a white alley until she reached the dark one.

She saw a girl there.

The same girl she saw at the river the last time She and Jungkook hanged out.

"Why are you here again? Who are you!! "
Kiyeon shouted in fright.

She was wickedly beautiful but her beauty cannot hide every inch of her darkness.

She was beautiful yet evil.

She was her.

"Its about time Kiyeon. 19 are we? Ha.. I see"

The girl took her hand and a light with a mix of black was formed.

Kiyeon felt the electricity flow into her veins. As she was feeling such pain, the girl disappeared along with the light.

She woke up but it was different.

She felt like she isnt Her.

She stood up and went near her mirror.

Her eyes were red as blood.
An evil smirk made its way on her face.

The Moonlight made her even more beautiful like her mom.

She wasnt Kiyeon.


Her demon said.

She jumped off the balcony of her room and ran into the villages.

She was feeling herself.
She consistently destroyed the fields of the Throne Kingdom and vandalized the houses of the new Angels from the Cherubim Kingdom.
She killed some animals on the farm and scattered the wheats.

It caused the village to wake up.

She jumped so high that she was able to reach the tip of the Throne Kingdom.

She was satisfied of her work.
Seeing the People suffer and troubled.

She smirked proudly at her work.

Her smirk was replaced by a hurt expression and her eyes turned blue.

"Get Out Kiyeon!" her demon side screamed.

Kiyeon tried fighting, not knowing what her demon side had done. But she was too weak to control herself.

She was her. They were one.

Once again, her eyes turned red meaning she was her again.

'Cant wait to plan more!! ' her evil side said wickedly.

Next goal? Kill the Royals.


Kiyeon woke up because of the loud murmoring of people outside?

'What's the commotion about?' Kiyeon Thought

She went outside and gasped at the sight.

Her mom and dad was there with the other Angels.

The houses were vandalized with animal blood.

Animals killed.
Crops being destroyed and the wheats being scattered?

Who would have done such commotion?

"Mom! What happened?! "
She walked to her mom and hugged her.

"K-Kiyeon.. our animals, our crops were destroyed!"
Her mom sobbed while her dad tried to stop his tears.

It was their livelihood.

"who did this mom?"

"I don't know sweetie but it seems like one of the fallens"

Her mom as scared more than ever.
They're here again.
She could give them all the crops and animals they want.

They could have all the possessions she has except for one possession.

Her daughter.
Kiyeon was her most treasured possession.

The Angels' fuss got even louder when the Throne Kingdom's Prince went to them.

"What Happened to these?"
Prince Jungkook said with his father.

"Your Highness, Our crops were destroyed and everything is ruined! "
The old woman said.

"We have to sue who ever did this. Rest assure everyone, we will do what we can to fix this Problem. There are still some animals and crops that are fine, Use them as of now."
The King spoke firmly.

The crowd went in their own houses slowly including Kiyeon's Parents.

Kiyeon went to the nearest lake and sulked about the destroyed crops and the killed animals.

Jungkook looked around for Kiyeon after hearing the commotion and saw her near the lake.

He hugged her from behind and kissed her temple.

"Are you okay? Where did your smile go?"
Jungkook tried to lighten up the mood after what happened.

Kiyeon Sighed.
"I dont know Jungkook. I felt so helpless seeing my parents like that. All i can do is see them crying and do nothing"

Jungkook sighed and sat beside her.
He intertwined their hands and speak.

"I know how you feel. That Time where I see my people so helpless and I dont know what to do. I have the power but I dont know in what way to use it."

"Who could destroy Throne Kingdom? First, Cherubim Kingdom then now, Throne Kingdom? I'm afraid what would happen Jungkook."
She said and lowered her head.

"Don't be, Im sure we could get that little pesky evil in our hands in no time."
He said hugging her and reassuring Kiyeon that everything will be fine.

"Jungkook... "

She said, escaping from the hug.
Jungkook hummed in response.

"Who's the heir you're gonna marry to?"
He's face when from calm to annoyed.

Jungkook took a deep breath and answered.

"We had a lead already. Dad And King Minho told me that she's... "

"Who Jungkook? "

"It is more likely, Your bestfriend..Ch-Chanmi.. "

HIS VOICE 🎵 JJKWhere stories live. Discover now