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"You.. you love her too Hyung?"

I didn't even know how all of these started. On moment she was an angel whom I know and after some time, I liked her already.
Geez this is a cliché one. I know I'm hurting Jungkook and I really want to say sorry but I don't want to see Kiyeon hurt. I have to hurt one to save the other person from pain.
Agh! Yoongi! What have you done? But My decision is made. I will be responsible of Kiyeon's tears from now on.

"You Heard me Jungkook and from now on, I don't want to see you near her. Even if it meant you mean so much to her after all you have done. I don't care if you play a big role in her life cause you did less than enough. You leave nothing to her but pain"

Jungkook Left sobbing.

Im sorry.


He's right. I give her pain. I don't deserve her. All my anger for the demons was unloaded on her. I was on fault. I never knew I could be this way. Never in my life I imagined hurting the person I loved.

I cried and cried. I don't even know if I can still control the element of water with me running out of it.
One tear left after another and as if the sky could hear my anguish, It rained.

Funny how my emotions are connected with the water.

. Just like how I felt. At least there could be someone who would cry with me.
I gathered some rain drops and tossed them somewhere I could release all this pain.

Hyung must be right. Yeonie deserves someone better.

I don't blame her for believing Yoongi Hyung right away, after all those words I told her, how can she even believe me? Will she even listen if I tell her that Yeonmi was merely my sister who doesn't love to be in the castleand wants to be free?

How can I tell her that I didn't meant anything for it to happen? Argh! Think Jungkook, think!

-Chanmi's POV-
Back in the Demon Land...

"Please let me out Mr Horny King"
Oh gosh I shouldn't have said that.

I saw a charming man. I didn't recongnize this guy.
"Excuse me Mr. Tall charming guy, please let me out if you may"
Yeah its pretty dumb but at least I've tried.
He spoke and I ended realizing this wasn't any charming guy.
"You.. The horny King!"
Maybe the reason why My mo--i mean the Princess fell in love with his deceiving looks.
"Ah Good thing you recognized me my Fake daughter. But Call me King Wangso please. Don't be too scared."
He faked a sympathy.

I snorted accidentally at his name.
"Wangso? For a cruel King like you? Oh please"

He didn't Seemed offended and I wasn't satisfied with his reaction. He just merely.. Laughed.
"You're not offended?"

"Why would I be Ms. Fake Princess? I'm used to that and that's my purpose! Being evil and cruel."

"Why don't you just let me out?! You want nothing from me!"
I tried to break the chains but it was no use. It hurt every second.
He went near me and held my jaw.

"I do. Once your knigh-in-shining-armor arrives. He really thinks I would be following a deal ehy? I only wanted my daughter for power and not for the presence of a daughter. I can kill Jimin right away--"

My heart felt raged in that. Although it hurts but once more, I tried to break out from these chains and attack him but it was no use. I blew very hard and he was slammed on the wall. I don't even know why I possess this wind power. I never knew I could use this.

"Dont you dare hurt Jimin you toad!"

He dusted his clothes and walked towards me. As if nothing happened.
"I was about to give you an option my former daughter. You either tell me who's my real daughter and your Jimin will be safe"
His smirk was indeed slap-able. This jerk.

"Why would I?"

He walked towards the window and looked outside. What is even good outside?
"I would Like to locate my daughter's location or at least call her through our minds. I cannot take her if she isn't willing. I cant even use her magic if she Won't let me. I have a good idea and you would be a big help. Besides, she's stronger than me and I would need her."

"I thought you said to Jimin that you will maintain peace if he gives you Kiyeon"

I pursed my lips. Argh my tongue is a troublesome part of me.
The King evily smirked. He's indeed wise and if you're naïve enough to fall in his bait, bye.

"I knew you would be a big help"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2019 ⏰

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