Character 1-1

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I hear the wave's thundering crash echoing in my mind and smash into the grainy sand making way for anything but the moisture of the water. I see how the waves stroke the sand with care like it was their little sibling. I smell the moisture slowly encasing me into it. I love the water. I feel the waves as they splash up high as I sit on a hard, but comfortable, grey rock with chips all over it from the times I came here to blow some steam off after my parents gave me the "talk" about how I should speak more. I come here of all places because I love the water.

Another reason I stay there is that well... It has sort has become my second home I would stay here all day and all night, but I can't. All because there's this thing called school a genius invented. Yeah not sure if you've heard of it, well I guess you have because another genius decided it would be a good idea to make it the LAW to go. I'm like really? It isn't that I hate school, I don't, I just have better things to do with my life and I prefer to be free and see the ocean and not have all my childhood in school. I am the smartest girl in my class well not just my class also in the whole school for my age. I get 100% in everything the only thing I don't get top marks is anything that involves talking. I am mute, and I like it this way. Some people say it's because I don't socialize, which might be true because I purposely avoid it whenever I can. I got moved up one year, so I have started high school a year before everyone else my age, but really? They were going to move me up another but decided against it because I never spoke not even at home or when a teacher asks me something. If anyone really wanted something of me and waited patiently I would write them a note (I never get really spoken to because of it).

Well, I guess it's getting late and it is my favorite day tomorrow Wednesday. Yes, Wednesday not because it is the middle of the week or that I particularly like the lessons it is just the only day at school I am not stuck with Brandon. If you want to know him a bit better basically he has emerald green eyes, olive skin, and chestnut brown hair. I don't like him, and I don't believe he likes me either but we get on well he talks for me even if I think his job is to get me to talk more, well it doesn't matter since I won't see him until Thursday which I hoped would be further away than it actually is. Were both pretty much opposite each other he stays as far away from big bodies of water and I try and be near them 24/7 and would be if I was allowed and didn't need to ever eat or stuff like that.

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