Where did they put it?-55

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Fifi's Pov

I need to find it. How did they recognise it as dangerous? What previous experience have they had with it? If it was really that dangerous they wouldn't throw it away in case someone else was exposed to it and didn't know what it was. Would they? I waited till my parents had left to go out to a restaurant then I started to search.

I left the kitchen and went upstairs. I turned left into my parents' room. If we had an attic or basement I would think it would be in there, but we don't. The place I am in the least is their bedroom so it would make sense if it is in here. Right? Where would I put it if I didn't want anyone to find or see it? I walk over to their wardrobe. It could be in here. Well, there's two places I think it would most likely be: In their wardrobe or a draw in their bathroom suite. It might not be in either but they're good places to start.

Do I really want to find it? Maybe they have a good reason not to let me have it. What reason is good enough not to explain it to the 6-year-old you took it off? Maybe...maybe there is one.


I jumped out of my skin when I heard the front door bang closed. Did they forget to close it and the wind closed it? No. No, it was closed when I came up. Well, at least I thought it was. I run to the living room which is connected to there bedroom as silently as I can. I peak over the overhang in my house to the main room to see my parents have returned home. Why? They seemed awfully quiet. It made me suspect something was wrong. Did they know I was looking for my gift I was given by Jo when I was 6? I shake my head at my own question. They couldn't have known.

"Why were they there?" My dad hisses at my mom." Who were where? Well probably at the restaurant they were at.

"I don't know!" My mom yells whispering.

"This is why we can't bring Fifi with us." My dad says venomously. My mom nods. "If she finds out." If I find out what? I could confront them but I don't want to get in trouble. I look behind me and find my headphones. Ah. My phones in my room. I still put my headphones on and hide where the lead go. Then they'll think I was listening to music and didn't hear them! I'm great at plans. That might not, actually, be true. I start to walk down the spiral staircase acting like I didn't realize they were back yet. When I get to the bottom I look up and see there both staring at me. I tried to look as surprised as possible and waved nervously. What if they found my bluff? Actually, would it be that bad? 

I slowly sidestep towards another staircase to get to my room instead of going through their room. Their eyes follow me. If they wanted to make it inconspicuous they weren't doing it well.

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