Urgh. It's Wednesday. Well looks like I am staying in bed the whole day.
"BOYS WAKE UP WE DON'T WANT TO BE LATE FOR YOUR SISTERS FIRST DAY AT KINDERGARTEN!" my mum called from downstairs. I hear my brother leap up from his bunk and jumped straight down next to me.
"Come on Justin!" Joseph says happily for some reason; a grunt is all I give him in return.
"Are good your awake!" He exclaims. Yes, I am awake, but it's not like I am getting out of my bed. It is Wednesday the middle day of the week were all the energy from the weekend has gone and there is no energy for the upcoming weekend.
"Urgh" Can't he stop humming
"I'm going down to eat breakfast see you soon"
Finally, it's quiet. Now I can go back to bed. Sometimes I can't believe that I am related to him. Like seriously where does he get his energy from?
I don't want to eat alone
Great he's coming back up I personally prefer eating alone but like before Joseph is crazy in every single way, but the looks of course.
"YOUR COMING DOWN NOW!" He yelled in my ear
"Well, I don't want to."
"Fine then!"
"Owwww! That hurt!"
"Next time get out of bed so I don't have to drag you out." I should have seen that coming, to be honest, but I WAS SLEEPY OK?! Good! Still half asleep I get pulled along by Joseph.
When I get down I see two bowls, ones grey the other one is blue, I saw that Joseph already claimed the blue one, so I got the one that he didn't want which was the grey one. I honestly don't care it's just a colour.
As soon as Joseph let's go of me I end up falling quite loudly.
"Are you boys ok in there?" My mum called poking her head into the room from next door. "You need to hurry up Justin you need to get changed."
Really what am I going to do with him he should be more like his brother, Joseph
I get up NO THANKS TO MY MUM! But that's ok I can deal with that, BARELY! Joseph isn't changed either you know MUM!I get up and ignore Joseph's gaze and start eating breakfast as fast as I can.
"You'll make yourself sick if you carry on eating like that." He states gladly he always likes being "useful" by trying to say stuff he thinks would be helpful. I stopped eating but I replied with a glare. I slowly carry on eating always missing my mouth as I wasn't looking. I slowly saw a smile creep onto the tips of his mouth and felt the same thing happened to mine. Then we started bursting into laughing and smiled at each other with laughter. When we both finished, I had to wait for Joseph because you need to eat slowly so your body can digest it blah blah nonsense.
"OK, WE KNOW!" I cut her short because I really didn't want that speech. Urgh, it's only 7:43. Why do we have to leave so early? I feel Joseph grab hold of my hand tightly then he let go. Looking at him with those seriously look I said "really? You had to do that?"
"We don't want to be late now do we?"
"I could care less."
"Well I care, and I don't want mum to hate you more than she already does." he paused but then carried on. "Do you know why mum hates you more than me." I shrug my shoulders as I have never really thought about it. We both started brushing our teeth in a nice calm manner, I mainly did because Joseph was super picky about how we brushed our teeth more than how quickly we ate.
After we finished in the bathroom. We got changed into this absolutely horrific uniform that makes me and Joseph look really similar because normally we would wear different clothes. Not in school. They thought it would be a good idea, but they obviously didn't think about if there were identical twins! When we get down I look at the time and see it's only 7:45. which makes my mind click that's why he held tightly onto my hand that makes a lot of sense. I didn't think he had it in him. He his so much different than myself.

The Unordinary
FantascienzaSix high school students looks like anyone else acts like anyone else but are capable of things no one else is. They learnt from a young age no one that means NO ONE can know about their powers even their parents and other siblings. It brings out th...