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They say to be a gap-student you won't need to do anything you can rest for a year. Of course, I am the one who gets stuck with a mute girl who refuses to talk. Sometimes when I need to say she is present I am tempted not to say anything to get her to talk, but if she refuses it would be embarrassing for me not her. Why do I get the short end of the stick, not her being mute seems to be much better in this situation.

I'm like really? Can't I just be at home and be me. I do get paid but I would prefer a job that wasn't at a school. I don't want to be a helper. I just wonder what is going to happen to her next year. I won't be here next year luckily. It was because I was the best in my year at social speaking who decided to take a Gap-year. I if knew it would mean getting stuck with a mute girl I would have chosen another decision. One nice thing I get from it is that teachers thank me for meaning I am helpful and nice!
It was Wednesday, yesterday, which is one of my three weekends not sure why they chose Wednesday but still, it means I am not with her and can do what I want.
I am surprised, not, I am here before Fifi. I walk in and see Sam, shockingly friends with Fifi and someone who isn't from their class.
"-ou are actually kidding me," Sam says weird things out of context. I only got a few words, but I guess something she can't believe has happened. I was just going to sink into the back of the classroom, but Sam called me over.
"What do you want Sam?"
"I would like to introduce you to Sally" 'Sally' quickly answers saying
"Sal. Just Sal please."
"Oh, yeah sorry about that."
"Sam, why did I need to know Sal's name?"
"Well, Fifi likes knowing people names and I think it is good to know everyone's name so from now on I am going to learn someone new's name every day! Well, actually it started yesterday..."
She just carries droning on losing mine and Sal's interest. I looked at Sal for permission to shut her up and Sal nodded as if reading my mind.
"How did it go yesterday?" I say to cut her off and was the first thing I thought to say. I later realized that just gave her more reasons to drone on.
"I met two people they were both really nice I hope to see them again today!" Luckily, she didn't burp a whole explanation out. Yay Fifi is here to get annoyed by Sam. I just realized they suit each other there both annoying.
"Fifi! How are you?" Fifi puts her thumbs up and my job is to translate it
"I think she's good." And she nods her head in agreement
"So Fifi are you going to let Justin call you Fif." I just see the look in Fifi's eyes which got my attention. What happened yesterday? I decide to join but Sally beat me there.
"Someone asked her," Sam says whilst shrugging like she just wanted Fifi to remember that.
"Is Justin one of the two you meet yesterday?"

"Of course, who else would it be!" I don't know it could be many different people because there could be someone you meet like a week ago or someone you met at home.

"Why are you here Brandon?" Says Sally out of nowhere then when I was about to respond I heard Fifi make a weird sound with an odd instrument. She smiles. A very uncomfortable smile making me think she will kill everyone on this planet and beyond. Well apart from me of course. I would just burn her to a crisp turning her into ashes. I suddenly realized I never answered Sal's question.

"Oh... I am basically here because Fifi is useless." Leading for Sam to jump in with.

"What he meant to say is that Fifi is mute and he helps people who might want to know what Fifi is wanting to say." I don't think Fifi wants to say anything. EVER! I see Fifi nod innocently like she wasn't smiling menacing at us earlier. 

After we talk for a bit and I completely forget what about. Sal checks her watch and says. "I should get going it is nearly registration time and I am quite far from here."

"Bye," I say quickly preventing Sam from saying anything and then add in. "Fifi also says bye." Then Sal leaves the room and I achieved my goal at not letting Sam say anything sort of goodbye to Sal.

"WAS THAT REALLY NECCISASSARY!" I snigger I managed to make Sam angry, bingo. I hear the door close and look behind me to see their teacher.

"Hey Brandon, I need you to help with something is that okay?" 

"Of course, why wouldn't I," I say like just a second ago I was purposely trying to annoy Sam. "What do you want me to help with?"

"Can you register everyone I just really need to do something I should be back before they need to leave to get to their first lesson." I walk over to the desk to see she logged in and opened the register when she leaves I sit into her chair.

"Hello, I am now in charge!" I said with a smile on my face in a playful way to annoy Fifi and Sam.

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