Why Do They Want Me to Say Something?-75

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Fifi's Pov

I must have fallen asleep when that person was carrying me. I heard people talking but nothing imparticular got separated from other words. It was just a jumble of noise people make accompanied by car engines. I guess I'm in some sort of car. Why? I wish I knew. I feel the car rocking me side to side. Knowing what was a dream and what isn't would be useful. I feel like everything after school closing for some reason my parents wouldn't tell me. Why it closed is a mystery to me. What happened to Joseph is a mystery to me. What has happened and what was a dream is a mystery to me. Why is this so confusing?

"Should we check on the girl?" It went silent except for someone saying that.

"Probably." Are they talking about me?

"Hello?" The voice from earlier says whilst pulling the blanket down. It was so bright. I covered my eyes with my hands. Why is it so bright? "Are you ok?" I don't know.

"What are we going to do with her?"

"I still don't understand where she came from."

"You know shes awake?" The person who was hovering over me said.

"She is?" That person sounds very confused. "Oh, is she okay?" I remove my hands from my face and blink trying to get used to the light.

"That's what I tried  to ask her!" She says looking back to the other people. "My name is Erinn. What is your name?" My name? Why does she want to know my name? "Do you want to sit up?" She doesn't really wait for an answer she just lifts me up using my arms. This is the first time I can see I'm in a van with around 5 people.

"I don't think she likes to talk." Says the person who seems to be talking most after Erinn.

"Eric, your not helping." Eric, Erinn and three other people. I wonder who the other person who spoke was. One person just keeps staring at me in a menacing way. I wonder what he wants.

"What if...nevermind." Why did she nervously glance at the person glaring at me? I think that was the person who spoke earlier. I wonder why she went so nervous.

"Can you speak? Or you unable to?" Eric questions getting up off his seat. Just that moment the van hit a bump and he nearly fell over. Everyone glanced at him for a second except the one who's fixated on me.

"Maybe the shock hasn't worn off."

"How much did she see?"

"I'm unaware." She looks anxiously at me. "Can you please say something? Or...or at least act like you can hear what I say." Why do they want me to speak so badly?

"She might not understand English." The one person who speaks but I don't know the name of says. "She only acts like she's aware we're saying stuff but doesn't know what we are saying."

"I kind of hope that is the case." Erinn looks worriedly at me. "Can you make a sound?"

"We're going to stop here for a break." That's four out of five people who have spoken. The driver says whilst slowing down.

"Okay. Can you stay under hear?" I'm confused. I let her lift the blanket over me, wondering why they want me to stay here.

I hear them all leaving the van. I hear a lot of chatter start back up.

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