My Family Hates Me-35

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Joseph's Pov
Justin Hates me. After my conversation with Fifi he ran up behind me, but I sort of ignored him... the only thing I said was I'm doing something at lunch without you. He honestly looked quite hurt but his fault. A shame we both have English literature next, together. It's good we're not next to each other but we're on the same row which is still bad. I hope he doesn't try to confront me over Sam Woods.
The first bell might've gone but I don't care if I'm a bit late for English if it means I won't walk in at the same time as Justin. I go upstairs to go to my dad's classroom.
I walk in hoping he's downstairs, but he isn't.
"Hi," I say shyly "I just came to get my swimming kit." I still don't probably trust him or forgive him for what he did to me.
"I'm surprised you came without Justin." He says whilst walking towards the door. "Is something wrong with you two?"
"No, he just couldn't be bothered to come upstairs." I lie. I quickly pick up my swimming bag that I found behind his desk like it normally is and put it in my bag. That's when I noticed the reason he moved towards the door was to block my exit.

"Erm..." I didn't know what I should do in that situation. "My lesson starts soon... can I leave?"

He does move away from the door but stays between me and the door. He slowly walks towards me. I start to slowly go backwards hitting his desk behind me. I press my body over the desk, but he still comes closer. 

My dad ends up touching nose to nose with me. My heart beats quicker than lightning strikes. I may have no control of my heart but I do of my breathing. I try to keep my breathing at an even level. He grabs left ear pulling me to the wall out of sight of the tiny window in the door. He keeps a firm grip like a vice. I feel my ear will be squeezed from existence. It's so painful no words could come out, I was frozen in pain. Eventually, he did let go but pinned me down with both shoulders. My feet couldn't touch the ground.

Suddenly he let go making me nearly fall over, but quickly afterwards pushing my shoulders back into the wall making my head it the wall. The lights were flashing in my sight of vision. When he no longer touched me I fell over with no way to keep balance after a serious blow. I thought he wouldn't do this again, especially unprovoked. My ears started to ring, the only thing I could hear but my heartbeat and rapid breath.

In the corner of my left eye, I saw him bring back his fist about to hit me.

Ring Ring

Saved by the bell literally. I thought it was just my brother who hated me.

"GET OUT NOW!" He yelled at me like I wanted to be there. In my blurry vision, I saw him stooped over me. I struggled, trying to get to my feet, so much that My dad grabs me from under my right arm up to my feet.

In my ear, he whispers: "What happened in here you tell no one. Especially Justin." I nod my head weakly. I manage to stay on my feet and stumbled out his room. I walk down the corridor and pushed open a heavy door by using my whole body weight in my nimble state. Whilst going down the stairs I hold tightly to the bannister to ensure I don't fall. When I reach the bottom I see my class has already gone in. I didn't really care I was late. 

"Sorry I'm late," I say as I struggle to open the door and walk in. I barely look at her but she stares me down. 

What's wrong My brother asks mentally.

Nothing I'm fine.

You didn't go and see dad, did you?

I needed my swimming kit.


I'm fine, Justin. He just wanted to talk and the bell went whilst we were mid-conversation.

You sure?

Yes! Just get out my head.

Now I have to deal with an hour of English with the worst English teacher that has existed.

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