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Fifi's Pov

I lie under the bed touching the wood supporting the mattress on top of me. The wood feels like it's really thick. It's a bit hard to tell there's just not the right amount of light.

It feels like Erinn's been gone for 30 hours. When she might've actually been gone for 23 minutes.

There's not much to do under this bed but I don't know where I am or who's nearby. Erinn, Eric and the others in that van seemed to be really scared of them and they. Where I am currently might be near those people and they might not be very nice.

I end up suspended in between sleep and being awake. Then I heard the door open. Something made me feel it wasn't Erinn. Not sure if it was the way the door opened or the way the steps sounded.

Suddenly the duvet hanging over the bed was lifted up. I was right. I saw someone I had never seen before. Well, that I could remember which probably meant I've never seen him before. I feel like I'm good at remembering faces.

He grabs around my arm before I can manage to go further under the bed out of his reach.


I felt hands on my arms. I turn back around but still face the girl on the rock.
"Do you really want to go and say hi to her?"
"No," I say not really that focused on much but her. "Just looking."
Finally, I turn to...

—End Flashback—

I just want to see who I'm talking to. I wanna know who that was. I nearly completely forget that someone Had just grabbed my arm.

Just for a second, I remember him. I have seen him. He...he.

He has deep blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. After he dragged me out from under the bed he let go from around my arm. He picked up my hands in his. Mine were tiny in comparison. He turned mine to face palm up then palm down. Maybe it's like his hands, the size difference of my face and his hand. He was looking for something but what I wasn't sure what.

He's that boy who dragged Joseph out of that weird warehouse. I still never found out what he was doing there. Maybe I'm mistaken. I didn't really get a proper look at his face.

I sighed in then out. There was something on his mind. He was still holding onto my hands but he was staring down. I could see his mind as he was processing all of this. Just I wasn't sure what he was processing.

Suddenly the door opened. Whatever trance he was in he was broken out of. He turned to the now open door and kept hold of one of my wrists.

It was Erinn. Erinn seemed to be frozen at the door. She only stepped so the door behind her could close.

There was me, Erinn and the guy holding onto my wrist in this room. Erinn seems to be nervous. I can't see the other persons face but he does not seem to be moving. Probably lost in thought, again.

"Hello, Ezrayl," Erinn says breaking the silence and lowering her head. "She's just a little girl." Pause. "But she's done nothing and her parents are dead."

his head cut off as well as his right wrist.

I don't need that thought back in my head.

One of her feet was a few cms away from where her arm was meant to be.

I felt the tears brewing like a storm.

her head was cut off

I try to pull my wrists free whilst tears started streaming down my face.

"How's it my fault?" I think Erinn hissed. Then I'm not entirely sure what happened. All at once I was being thrown back and Erinn and Ezrayl where pressed up against the other wall.

My parents are dead.


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