Fifi's Pov
I was crawled up in the corner of the room I had no idea what so ever to be able to open the door. I was stuck in this room all alone, no one knowing I was in this room or even alive and most likely a murderer. I had murdered her, hadn't I?
I felt the tears flow down my face as I gave up trying to stay strong for myself. It was self-defence and I'm only ten. Why do I care anyway? I'm probably going to die in this room bathed in darkness and wet in a mysterious building with my parents dead!
My mind froze. My tears stopped. My parents are dead. How had I forgotten? The tears started pouring out a lot more than before. I had hated them but I still loved them for being my parents. I didn't understand why they did certain things but I never actually wanted them dead. I had only written that I wanted them dead once in my diary and even then the next day I crossed it out because I realized how untrue it was. I wonder if anyone's read my diary...If they had I think they would be concerned. What happened to me isn't what most seven or eight-year-olds go through.
The metal I sat on and the metal walls were very uncomfortable but they seemed to radiate heat. Which is odd since metal tends to be cool to the touch. I need to focus on the exterior of my mind and what's around me. That's how things have to be otherwise I get drowned in my own thoughts. I hate it. It's hard to see the roof in the very little light which has seeped into the room. The tears on my cheeks were very much there but there was no longer any new ones to add to the stream.
I wonder what happens after a month of stopping medication which I've taken for over two years. My parents wouldn't be very happy but they're no longer alive. I no longer need to worry about what-
Suddenly the door opened. I started drowning in the light which was let to flow into the room. Immediately as the light had entered I covered my face not just because of the instincts to let my eyes adjust but to also hide the tears. Last time my eyes washed up with light was when- Why can't I just forget what happened to my parents? They weren't the best parents. They hurt me a lot more than anyone looking in would think.
Eventually, I dared to look at who had opened the door. The person I saw although a lot different was still so familiar in my eyes. It was the person I had thought I would never see again. It'd been a long time since what happened. Since my parents. Why does everything come back to my parents?
"Fi?" I hate it. Her voice was all too familiar but she was still my friend. Well, had been.
Jo. I started trying to act as I hadn't been crying moments before her entry. She came closer to me I would prefer if she just stayed by the doorway. She hugged me and whispered in my ear: "I'm sorry. I am so, so sorry for what I did. I will try my hardest to protect you."
I was speechless. Does she mean it? Last time she said something like this it wasn't real...but that was years ago. Can I trust her now?
I want to trust her but she broke my trust so badly last time I had dared to trust her. Her hug was welcoming, trustful and filled with love. Her hair was in my face but I didn't mind. It was calming to be held so close by my friend I made when I was four. I missed her. I missed her so so much. I had to hide her in the furthest areas of my mind just to not burst into tears.
Why are you here? I sign, for the first time in a while, with some venom and swift, fed up actions I didn't mean to be there.
"I could ask the same of you," she says with a bit of a laugh, at least she stills remembers to sign. Well, she would. After all her sister's deaf. She looks at me after letting go of me. "My mum knew the wrong people." She shifted a bit in the spot she sat. "That's all I can say."
She brought me back into a hug. "You don't know how much I missed up." She whispered to me. I hugged her back and squeezed her so tight. I didn't want to lose her. Not again. I know what she did to me. I know how she tormented me till I stopped speaking but I forgive her. I shouldn't. Maybe I don't. No, I haven't forgiven her just I need her protection because I don't know where I am!

The Unordinary
Science FictionSix high school students looks like anyone else acts like anyone else but are capable of things no one else is. They learnt from a young age no one that means NO ONE can know about their powers even their parents and other siblings. It brings out th...