1 week later...
Justin's Pov
There are wires everywhere. All over me. I think everything got blurred away in my eyes or everything was blurred, like an image. It felt like it was ice freezing over my eyes how water would freeze in a lake. There were people and they were saying things I couldn't understand. I tried to move but I felt paralyzed. My arms, my legs, my mouth. My eyes were only slightly open. Well, I think they were. I wasn't blinking, I couldn't move my eyes, I could barely breathe. I had a mask over my nose and mouth presumably what's helping me breathe.
Can I please regain control of my body? Who I'm asking I don't know, but I want to know what they're doing and for them to know I am okay. From what I can make out there were three people but two of them are now leaving. Whoever is still here stretches out their hand, which is vibrating as a washing machine does, I'm assuming there nervous at least there acting that way. They carefully place their hand on my forehead. That's when I realize how clammy and sweaty their hand is. Are they nervous about my state or something else?
The icebergs covering my eyes started to melt. This allowed me to regain some of my vision. I found it easier to identify colours wrapped around me.
My telepathy is sort of coming back. I wish I could understand it better though.
"Justin...Justin." The voice I need to hold onto the voice. "I need you. You were the first person who talked and understood me!" It's Sarah. I see her blonde hair loose around her face. I try to make a sound with no prevail. "Justin, I hope your brother gets found soon." She pauses. My brother still hasn't be found. Well, it's not been that long. "Is there a connection between Joseph's disappearance and your week long coma?"
IT'S not been a week. Has it? It can't have been. Not sure when but Sarah had removed her hand from my forehead and with it, she turned my hand so the palm was facing the ceiling. She outlines my palm lines with her finger. I try to clench my hand on her finger so she knows I'm awake. Suddenly I got it. I regained control of my whole body. I grabbed her hand. She tried to jump back whilst I was holding her hand. She started to laugh uncontrollably.
"Justin you scared me!" I look up at her and let go of her wrist. "Me thinking you might die and you suddenly being alive." I smile.
"I wanted you to know I was ok!" I said still getting used to not being paralyzed.
"How long have you been awake?"
I laugh. I think she realized what I laughed at because suddenly her face turned bright red, like a ripe tomatoe.
"I bit before two people left."
"Your parents?" Was that who they where?

The Unordinary
Science FictionSix high school students looks like anyone else acts like anyone else but are capable of things no one else is. They learnt from a young age no one that means NO ONE can know about their powers even their parents and other siblings. It brings out th...