Pain, Stop-54

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Justin's Pov

I only sprained my leg so I'll be able to walk soon right? Wait how did I sprain my leg? It's all because of that weird moment I had where I was just...somewhere else. The policemen walked in. Great. I really hoped they wouldn't come.

Now time to see if what she said adds up with what he'll say

Is that one reason why I have to talk to them? She said her parents left around the beginning of October to them but they actually left near the beginning of the academic year. That's interesting. A shame she didn't reveal why in her thoughts.

"Justin, what do you know about Sarah's parents."

"What do, I know about her parents?" If you thought I was going to make it easy for you after you completely made Sarah lose her mind you where wrong.

"I don't have the patience for this." Neither did Sarah.

"That's a shame." 

Stupid teens

I had to stop myself from laughing. Did Sarah make it that difficult as well? Wh-


















"What's your name?" A voice says just as cold metal touched my right temple.

"Where's your brother?" A voice demanded. 

"Give us an answer!" The voice from before returns.

"" A stutter of sounds came from within me.

"Where IS your SISTER then?" The second voice wants to know about family more than anything.

"We don't have time for this." A new voice states from the left behind me. On the right side, I get hit with the cool metal, in the shape of a gun. Wait it might actually be a gun.

"What's your name?"


"Name NOW!"

"J-Juh...Josphin..." I hear clear and pronounced footsteps behind me. A sharp blade was cool against my throat. My skin rippled with goosebumps. My sweating skin crawled with fear.

"I've got a brilliant idea." A deep voice says swiping the knife past my throat, nearly cutting it open. The booming footsteps left. It was silent for a few moments with only a few background noises, but then the footsteps of the man returned.

I really wish at this moment I could see what they were doing or at least be able to read their mind.

"Name." The gruff man's voice states like it's not a question to answer.

"J...u...o...s...e...n..." I felt heat near my neck come from nowhere. I gulped with fear of what was to come.

"You had your chance." Pain overloaded my body. The metal knife was no longer cool but on the brink of melting. When the metal touched my skin it steamed and sizzled. My sweat was freezing compared to the melted deformed knife I'd been threatened with. It wasn't like the first time where I didn't feel the pain. I felt it. It was real. I tried to scream I couldn't. I was in, to much pain to scream. To shout out my agony. The adrenaline rush came but I could do nothing. The pain, at last, took over. 

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