Why not have two 63?

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Author' POV (I dunno this is just a so you know and don't need to question why there's two 63's)

I can not be asked to change every single number after 63 so we're having two. If you're wondering what happened I had incorrect timings so I had to move a part because in the same chapter someone was talking about it being 09:15 and for the other person it was closer to 08:03.
And later on there'll be a missed number for when I inevitably have to change them all to be what there meant to be.

If there's any mistakes you find like this or just spelling or grammar you can say on that chapter comments I don't mind if you do. In fact I'd quite like that.

Farewell hope you enjoy the rest of the story. I still have no idea how many chapters there's going to be but probably over 100 (I didn't mean for it to be so long). The crazy thing is I've been writing this story for over a year. I hope to complete it by June 2020 I think I will. Maybe much earlier than then. I just need to get to a good place to stop and hopefully make a sequel ;)

Thank you for reading this!

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