Fifi's Pov
I walk out of my room ready to try and find Joseph. Why? I have no idea. I'm just a 10-year-old girl. What am I going to do against kidnappers?I carefully open my bedroom door just enough for me to fit through to prevent it from squeaking open. I need to find a clock to see if my parents would be awake or not. I should probably see if they're in their bedroom or not. I turn to face their bedroom. When I do I see something. It was like a black shadow in the corner of my eye, it was downstairs. I need a clock in my bedroom. It's dark, but it's also winter. It could be 7:30. It's probably my dad I don't think much of it. Not until I realize the door could've been left open from when I left. Actually, how do I know that wasn't a dream? What if it isn't dad? It could be an intru-
"Ow!" I think I tripped on something. "Dad?" I call out from instincts. I immediately regret saying anything. No one responded. Either no one heard me or whatever I saw is coming towards me to kill me. I start to breathe heavily when I realized remaining on the floor won't do any good. I got up holding onto the railing, which prevents you from falling to the first floor, but when I managed to stand up. I felt something immediately knock me back over. I try to open my eyes but I can't.I was there for who knows how long. I think I possibly could've fallen asleep at some point. When I hear a door creak open downstairs I finally feel like I can move again. So I do. I get up and head to my parents' bedroom. When I open the door. I see two bodies but they don't look quite right. They're both on the floor. Why? One of them is near the door to the living room. The other is in the archway to toward the bathroom. The duvet lays at my feet right at the entrance to their bedroom from the hallway. It's a good metre away from their bed. I wonder what happened.
I turned on the light to see if that gives any clues. Flicking the switch was a big mistake. My eyes were adjusted to the dark! Why do your eyes go through this pain when light levels change? Eventually, I pull my hand away from my face.
I see the worst thing ever. The duvet only mm from my is blood-soaked. Their bed has blood splats everywhere. There where bloodstains all over the room. Patches of the carpet had so much blood I thought it might be dripping down. My dad, by the bathroom arch, has his head cut of as well as his right wrist. I feel the tears welling up in my eyes. His head and wrist weren't anywhere in sight whoever did this must of taken them.
After seeing my dad in the shape he was in you would think I wouldn't look at my mum. I couldn't help it though. Like my dad, her head was cut off. I started breathing heavily as I felt tears fall down my face like the waves I hear in the distance are coming down. One of her feet was a few cms away from where her arm was meant to be. Her body was in a much worst shape before I could examine further I felt a hand over my eyes and mouth. I was too shocked to try and take the hands away from my mouth to scream for help. All that went through my head was this was going to happen to me. I kept waiting for a knife to pierce my skin. This is all my fault. I don't know how...but it's all my fault.

The Unordinary
Science FictionSix high school students looks like anyone else acts like anyone else but are capable of things no one else is. They learnt from a young age no one that means NO ONE can know about their powers even their parents and other siblings. It brings out th...