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I just had Chemistry and now it is break. I am currently alone but thanks to Lucy I have her timetable. She always expects me to find her. That is so unfair her class was English that's on the other side of my school. She always expects me to be there before she leaves her classroom. Can't we meet somewhere between both our lessons? I should ask her, but what if that makes her hate me. I have Ellie. Lucy would bully me. Wouldn't she? I have had enough I am not going to run to the other side to please her. I will walk to the library that happens, just happens to be next to the English department. I can pick Luc up before I go. Wait, she wouldn't let me would she. Ellie said Lucy didn't let her read anything. Well, I don't care. I want to see if the book Ellie's reading is any good or not.

When I stop daydreaming and come back to reality I notice I am trying my best not to sprint and that I am power walking instead. I sigh to myself and bring it right down. I bring out Lucy's timetable and see her next lesson is German. I am glad I am not her I absolutely hate German. I know Lucy won't like that, but she doesn't like any subjects especially any of the languages. I decided to look at my next lesson, oh look it is Maths meaning I will have to go to the other side of school again. Maybe my relationship with Lucy isn't how I want it to be.

I decide to skip the library because the warning bell will soon go off meaning I have five minutes to get to class before it starts. I will get another chance to, so it will be fine. When I get to where she had English I see that she is with many other people. Suddenly they all just leave but she stays.

"Sorry, Luc," I say acting out of breath "I was on the other side of school and my teacher held my class back." I would have said just me but she's not going to ask anyone in my class because she doesn't know anyone in it, but she knows I never get in trouble, unless, it's for being late and she knows I wouldn't get held back for extraordinary work.

"It's fine, they, those girls that were just here, wanted to talk to me alone." I nod but remember always dodge asking the questions which go deep into her life.

"At lunch, we can meet at the bag racks on that side." That took me a bit off-guard she never goes anywhere unless I collect her from her previous lesson. "Is that ok?"

"Yeah," I say a bit too quickly, but she doesn't seem to notice. "Can I ask why?"

"Well, I want to find Justy and tell him how I feel his classroom is Maths 3." I should have guessed it had something to do with Justin.

Ring Ring

The warning bell.

"We have five minutes," I state not sure why, but I do.

"Ok, well, I have German and don't forget to wait for me at the bag racks."

"I won't. Bye Luc." We wave each other goodbye I head to Maths and she goes to German. At lunch, I guess I have no choice but to help her find Justin. I really hope he isn't in his class when we go over. If he is I might have to leave her alone with him.

Ring Ring

Well, looks like I am going to be 1 minute late. Oh, never mind the teacher is late not me. I forget my maths teacher is always late.

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