Water isn't always a friend-82

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Fifi's Pov


Fiona had found me so I jumped up and over the sofa. That's when I realized she was in the way for all three exists. They where all against the same wall more left into a bathroom, straight past her into the basement and back where I came from, right.

"Catch me if you can!" I say in the most playful way with a cheeky smile on my face. I think I see her sigh just as I run to the double doors I try to push them but they don't budge one bit. "Fiona isn't this a bit unfair?"

That's the moment when I turned around and looked at her completely. She had tilted her head slightly to the right. In her left hand was duct tape. In her right hand was a pair of scissors.

"Fio-?" I tried.

"Shut up!" She took one deep inhale. The chest lid was still open. I gulped she looked crazy.

"Fiona are you oka-"

"NO!" No one else was home just me, Fi, Gem and Autumn. Would they help? I should scream. I was to shocked to move in anyway. I felt like the only thing I could do is whisper.

"What you going to do with the scissors?" Is what I tried to say with moments of inaudible sounds.

"If your a good girl to cut the tape." It was the most monotonous voice I had ever heard. "If your not, I might cut some of your skin off. It'll depend how much you annoy me." It's so calm. No doubt she'd do it. She's not the same girl I used to know.

She was walking towards me. She wasn't in any hurry she knew I couldn't leave. I start pushing on the door with all my strength. The closer she came the more I panicked. I pushed on the doors more and more with all the strength I could pull up.

"Turn to face me" Her voice had gone creepy her sentence never seemed to end. I felt the scissors blades on my neck. I still heard her voice lingering in my head. She drew the blades closer but also pulled them back. I thought for a moment she wasn't going to cut me but when there was only a little chunk of my skin between the blades.

She cut. The pain was sudden I felt the blood drooling down my back. I felt the scissors on the other side of my neck.

"I'll turn." I say quickly in a sudden voice. She sighed in disgust when I spoke. When I felt the her scissors No longer on my neck I turned slowly. This girl terrified me. "What do you want?"

Maybe I shouldn't have spoken. Her face looked at my in disgust. She put some duct tape over my mouth. And cut it to a smaller size after it was on. She grabbed both my hands and pulled them in front of me. She wrapped them in the tape. I would've struggled but I already had a river flowing on my back. She wrapped my hands more and more. She might've wrapped it around ten, twenty, fifty times I don't know. But I felt I had no feeling in my hands. Eventually she did stop.

She grabbed my arm and dragged me to the chest and pushed me in. I hit my head first on something sharp then on the bottom of the chest.

My head was throbbing but I felt fully conscious. The chest lid slammed shut and I heard some noises. It might've been a lock. What was she going to do?

"Now I no longer need to deal with her irritating voice." Was my voice that bad? Should I not speak? Is this all my fault? It must be my stupid voices fault! I guess I should stop speaking...is that a good idea? My voice might be the reason no one likes me.

"Is she in there." I heard Gem ask.

"Is this a good idea?" Autumn cautiously asks

"What you taking her side?" Fiona asks with no patience what so ever.

"No! I just don't want to get in trouble!" None of them liked me.

I put my hands next to my neck where she cut me. I think I still felt the blood. It's hard to tell when my hands are stuck together palms flat to each other.

"Let's leave her."

I try to push the lid open. I guess she locked it when I heard that sound. I guess there's not much I can do. I lie there trying to sleep with nothing better to do.


I was up when I feel the airs gotten colder. At least I got some sleep...I think I'm moving. That's not good.

"Throw her!" Wait, what? I felt the chest free falling and I heard a splash the chest was being filled up with water as I sank. I started to panic. The chest filled with freezing water.

I banged on the lid more and more in more panic. I didn't know how long I could last with the air I had. I had no chance breaking the lid when my hands where in fists but when I can only use the sides of my hands makes it a lot harder.

I move my feet so I start to stomp on the chest lid whilst I'm below it. Is the lid coming down? Is everything shrinking?

I start to breathe deeply and hard. I breathed as much as I could with tape on my mouth.

I give in. It's useless. I was breathing through my nose with tears coming down my face. I'm underwater? I'm breathing underwater. I'm breathing underwater! Is that a good thing? Well I won't drown...is that good? I don't know. How am I supposed to get out of this?

—End Flashback—

"No baby don't cry." I must've started to cry whilst remembering my past...

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