Joseph's Pov
I'm not sure why but they moved me to a proper hospital bed instead of a metal table I think. It wasn't exactly a metal table but it might as well have been. I start to daydream and my mind ends up thinking about why did they not want to tell my mum but realised they had to say something then tell me that she was busy. Busy doing what! That's what I need answering the most right now.
Just as I was about to get up and find a doctor to answer my question. Justin comes around the curtain still in school uniform. He smiles when he sees me.
"I'm glad you're ok!" He says still with the smile on his face. "They didn't let me see you for..." He pauses thinking how long then just gives up. "Since Thursday. I don't know why, but I am glad you're ok now!" he just keeps talking and doesn't give me a gap to talk but I enjoy listening to his voice.
"It's been four days."
"Ah. Four terrible days."
"How did you do in school today," I say mainly because I see he's in school uniform. "Without me?"
"Oh. It was awful without you." He says then pulls me into a tight embrace. "I am glad you are ok now!" Then his face turns serious for a second and says: "Did you know that our neighbour goes to the same school as us?" I was about to ask where that question came from but then he read my mind (Literally) "I noticed she had the same uniform as us and talked to her for a bit on Thursday."
"Right. Well, I think you know my answer to your que-" I stop speaking as soon as my dad comes from behind the curtains just like Justin did. I remember what happened. I remember what he had done those four days ago after school. I know what he did that afternoon which left me hospitalised.
"How are you son?"He comes closer but realises I was uncomfortable with him that close, so he stepped back a little. He was at arm's length to close for my liking but I knew I was just being picky.
"I...I'm g-good?" I say hoping it's the right thing to say to him.
"Are you good or not it isn't a trick question?" He hisses leaning right in front of my face so I can feel his breath. This is when my brother comes in.
"Geez step back he's just woken up from being in a coma for four days!"
I don't think it was a coma
I thought you were listening to my thoughts!
My dad steps back to my brother standing against him for me.
"I am good!" I say more confidently trying to hide the shakiness in my voice. "How are you?"
"Doesn't matter how I am. I am just glad you are ok." He said and he started to leave the room.
So you don't get charged with murder I try to hide my smile since my dad would question why I was smiling
I think it would actually be manslaughter
"I'm glad he's gone," Justin said as soon as he left our sight. I'm pretty sure he heard Justin but I don't care.
"Do you know where he has gone." He looks at me blankly when I ask that question. I sigh and point to my head.
"Oh." He says when the realisation hits him like a tennis ball coming straight at him. "I forgot you where useless." My brother just called me useless because I can't read people's minds. What has this cruel world become? "He went to see if he could bring you back home with us."
"I think the real question is if I want to?"
"I don't want to be left alone any more than I have to! Why wouldn't you want to come back? Is it because of me?"
"If I come back I will have to go to school tomorrow," I say he looks shocked because our roles are normally vice versa "People will ask why I wasn't in school with you yesterday."
"Don't worry I got many hundred thousand questions." He says looking behind me to pretend he's thinking about what happened "Yeah it won't be that bad."
"You two come now. We're leaving now!"
When did he come in?
I don't know. I don't know...

The Unordinary
FantascienzaSix high school students looks like anyone else acts like anyone else but are capable of things no one else is. They learnt from a young age no one that means NO ONE can know about their powers even their parents and other siblings. It brings out th...