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I don't know where I am. All I know is what I see.

Sometimes my vision is an inky midnight black or it's just my memories replaying themselves but clouded over for no apparent reasons, I would think if my head didn't feel like there's a hammer inside trying to escape the prison of my head. 

Other times there are these pictures but I don't understand anything it gets muddled up to much and looks weird like; the water is above me and the sky is below or that I am stuck in an avalanche with someone holding fire in their hand but we're not trying to escape the snow with the fire this person is holding. Sometimes I feel frozen but not cold sometimes people are standing on the roof. I don't understand any of it. Why? They all seem to be similar but in a completely different circumstance. Like there is an actual reasoning for this not just my mind messing with me.

Other times it makes sense and I see me and Justin, and this girl...well the girl swaps between these two people, but only one shows at a time, although one I don't recognise, and I don't believe we have ever met but has strawberry blonde hair and turquoise blue eyes. The other one I do recognise as Fifi who I think it is with her blonde hair and hazel eyes, which I didn't notice when I first meet her. I only just met her but there is about her. It makes me trust her but... in a different way, and not trust her in the way I did. I feel like I can trust her more but less. The trust I feel I can give her I can't give with anyone else.

Currently, the thing I remember most is when I am alone sitting in a field full of grass. The grass covers my toes and goes up to my knees. The grass is as green as pure emerald, it almost seems... unrealistic, to add to that the grass feels as soft as velvet and just like the grass the sky is as blue as a polished sapphire. It had an unsettling feeling about it. It makes my stomach churn with fear. The sun, the two suns were competing who could burn faster and shine brightest in the cloudless sky. The heat was unbearable I am surprised I didn't go unconscious because of it. Well, I nearly did but when I felt it take me other suddenly a volcano came from nowhere and erupted lava, as red as a crystalized ruby, appeared. It flooded the lush green field and acted the same way you would think water went down a waterfall, and to add to the illusion the lave felt like it would drown me like the water I wasn't in, and surprisingly the lava wasn't hot just red, a blinding blood red. Even when my vision and the feelings that place gave me faded, the light did not. It didn't even dim. It was the same blinding light that found it's way through my closed eyelids. If the brightness changed it got brighter.

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