Joseph's Pov
"Who are you texting?" I ask my brother. "You've been texting them the whole ride back!". Something has changed in my brother. When I was unconscious he was left alone in the whole world while I was stuck in my own head. He seems to be keeping secrets from me.
"Oh, No one." He responds which is totally not true, he realises it and carries on with. "Well, it's someone, someone you don't know. He's this guy in my CS class."
"Why are you texting him?"
"He wasn't in Yesterday and was asking if we got any homework." I guess that makes sense but why would someone turn to Justin to ask? Did he have no one else to ask? "because I am extremely reliable." He says with a smile on his face just to make sure I know he is reading my mind. Sometimes I hate that power of his I can't have any secrets but he can.
When we get home we both go upstairs to talk about what has happened and what we were going to do on Thursday before the accident. When I open the door I see Daisy sitting on the floor just in front of the door.
"How long have you been waiting here?"
"Only since I got home." She says in an emotionless way. I know she gives Justin the creeps I haven't really understood why, but I know it has something to do with the way she acts and speaks. "I wanted to say hi."
"Why do you have to be in our room?" Justin says from behind me. She shrugs her shoulders and walks past us out of our room. "I don't like her." He whispers in my right ear.
"I see why." I say "Did anything interesting happen when I was gone?" I close the door and we sit opposite each other.
"Not much really. The only interesting thing that happened was talking to the neighbour for the first time."
"Did you ever figure anything out with that girl we saw?" I start off asking. "You Know? The person you really wanted to talk about and just disappeared in front of us."
"Oh!" That oddly took him by surprise..."Erm, yeah. I haven't really thought about it." his statement seems unfinished. We both go silent after that. I try not to think about anything too important but not to seem that I'm trying to hide something from Justin or that I thinking about him reading my mind. "So, what did you see if anything in your dreamland place, whatever it was?"
"KIDS COME DOWN DINNER'S READY!" My mum calls from downstairs. Saved by food! What did food save me from? Oh, yeah a rumbling tummy! I catch sight of Justin rolling his eyes. My suspicions were correct. He was reading my thoughts. He would've asked why I didn't want to answer the question and I was thanking food for being ready. I don't really want to share what I saw. Well, not until I know what I saw.
I know Justin isn't telling me something. I know he is hiding something from me. I know something happened. I don't know what he isn't telling me. I don't know what he is hiding. I don't know what happened or how important it was and what it did to make my brother like this. To make my brother so secretive. I guess it's a bit like I don't know why I was moved before Justin visited me or why they didn't want to tell me anything or even what my mum was doing. My mum seems fine now. Fine enough to be cooking and be here now eating with us.

The Unordinary
Science FictionSix high school students looks like anyone else acts like anyone else but are capable of things no one else is. They learnt from a young age no one that means NO ONE can know about their powers even their parents and other siblings. It brings out th...