Character 5 and Justin-7

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No one knows my name. No one sees me. I am a ghost. People just ignore me. That has always been the case for me. I brush against the wooden fence. No one pays attention to me, so no one would know I was not a normal human. If anyone saw, they would just think their mind was playing tricks on them. No one will believe it was me who disappeared into a fence and appeared on the other side of school. They wouldn't because they don't know I exist. They don't know I exist because they choose to ignore me.


I stare at my brother. He made eye contact with me, confirming my suspicions. We both saw it. Whoever that was is like us. I still ask to be sure though.

"Did you just see that?" I ask in a whisper as I try not let him hear the joy in my voice.

"Yes of course!" He says as if we see that every day. Which we don't and by his original surprised reaction, I guess he doesn't either.

"we need to find her and question her!"

"Agreed." Cool, we agreed on something, for like, the first time ever. We try to walk normally like we normally do, and I try not to jump up in excitement. Then a thought suddenly crossed my mind.

"How did she disappear?" Joseph shrugs in response and replies with.

"It was probably her power," He paused for a moment, so I ended up thinking he was done but then resumed with. "We shouldn't talk about it here. We finish talking when we get home ok?" I nod my head, but I would rather finish talking about it now, but I understand why he didn't.

We both go our separate ways because he choose to do Latin. Well, I guess he probably felt the same way when I choose Computer science, but I like doing it because I might be able to hack things in the future. That is a normal desire, right? Who cares not like anyone can mind read. Well except moi.

After an ok lengthed hour of coding some computer to basically replace a human so you can now have a conversation with a computer instead of an actual person (and definitely not getting distracted by anyone).

I went to go to history which my brother and I were forced to take... Our dad is a History teacher and he happens to work at our school. By dumb luck (or bad luck depending which way you look) he is our history teacher. It is really just great. I slowly stroll down the hall hoping I bump into Joseph, so we can go in together, history teacher/dad (help me) comes up from behind.

"Hi!" he says in his booming voice and as I turn around he examines me. Probably because he doesn't know if I am Justin or not. "Justin you better head of to class, now with a quicker pace." I sigh and walk normally and sadly he got my name right meaning I can't just disappear, and he thinks it is Joseph.

I walk into the classroom to see him already sitting there but in my place, I give him a quick smile, check over my shoulder and sit in his seat. I think dad knows we both can't be trusted to sit next to each other, so he makes us sit on the two opposite sides.

You think this will be fun? I ask Joseph.

Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way. He thinks back to me. I try to hide my smile when my dad comes in, but I ended up just stifling it, making the person sitting next to me hear and gave me the questioning eye.

"You swapped didn't you" she whispered quietly into my ear only loud enough for me to hear and no one else. I nod subtly so no one would see but her.

Jazzy knows by the way. I say doing a Joseph to Joseph.

Did she actually let you call her that? When he said that I just looked at him and gave him I don't know, and I don't really care face/look.

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