I am free! I don't have to deal with Brandon! I skip along happy. I won't see him today. I start to slow down as I get to my classroom I see a boy I think he's a few years older than me talking to my only friend, I would prefer her to replace Brandon. Every Wednesday she says I am present because I'm not! When I come up to them the boy starts to leave. I look at Sam quizzically.
"Oh! Fifi if I knew you were there I could have introduced you to my friend." I motion with my hands for her to carry one when she looks at me with a blank expression I pointed at the direction he went. "You want to know his name?" I nod my head "his name is Justin."
I quite like knowing everyone's name so if I can I get her to find out their names for me because it would just be awkward I would be asking their name Sam just has away on making it not awkward probably by talking...
Sam is probably the only person who fully understands me. Not many people know why I am mute she doesn't either, but she doesn't ask unlike pretty much every other person asks too much too quickly. They never get a response and I end up just ignoring them altogether. I have Maths first then after that I have chemistry then break. I don't really like break because there isn't enough time to do anything and I get left alone. I don't blame Sam just she always go with other people I understand why because I am not any fun to talk to but she doesn't mind helping in lessons. In maths, we did some like 20-minute maths? well, it took me a few seconds, would have, and I got every question right again some others did but not that many. I am best at mental maths meaning I get the problem of not showing my working out but it doesn't matter that much because there just petty marks for people who can't work some really easy questions out.
In chemistry, we did some experiments and I was so tempted to do something which I knew would blow some stuff up I ask Mark (who was made to work with me) what he thought by writing it down. He said it was a bad idea. I forgot he was the only reasonable boy in my class and was such a killjoy. I guess maybe it was a good idea not to because of someone would get in trouble and it might have gotten my favourite Chemistry teacher fired.
In break, I just walked to where my next lesson was going to be, which was the only lesson I didn't have with the rest of my class because he was my social whatever they call it which I get on Wednesdays instead of being stuck with Brandon. they ask questions like why I don't talk, what prevents me from talking and can I talk? They ask the questions every time I don't know what they expect me to say.
Today, however, was different I could tell by the first step I took inside. The first thing was another teacher that I had never had.
"Hello, Fifi Wellson! please sit down." I smile as my hello and do what I am told she has three things placed in front of her. I had no idea what exactly they were.
"This Fifi is a trumpet mouthpiece," she says pointing to the thing furthest left. "This is an ocarina," pointing to the thing in the middle. " and lastly this is a Clarinet mouthpiece and reed." It would make sense it was something musical. I didn't have any instruments at home and I have never played one before.
"I know you don't talk, I got that message but how would you like playing an instrument?" She pushed the trumpet mouthpiece to me first and said: "you need to buzz your lips inside of that to make a sound." I did that and it created and weird sound I didn't like one bit. She then went tight-lipped and brought out one like that just bigger. I got the message she wanted me to try again but with this new mouthpiece. It sounded much better than the previous mouthpiece did.
"Much better! oh, that is a euphonium mouthpiece." Trumpet? euphonium aren't they the something. Wait this is just the mouthpiece what the difference in the actual instrument is my question.
I reach for this orange 4-holed ocarina and pick up and turn it around and see how I am supposed to use it.
"you blow in that spot and put your fingers on the different holes to play different notes." I nod slowly to her advice and blow in the spot she told me to and tried the different notes. I really liked it. I reminded me of the ocean and I close my eyes and pretend I am there and can feel the waves
"You can keep it if you want," My eyes lit up with excitement "Here this is a book with some tunes you can play." If I was like anyone else and spoke I would be wordless, but I am always wordless so...
I couldn't believe it I got an instrument that I really enjoy maybe. Just maybe I could learn to listen in music a bit better. This was the best erm... whatever it's called I have had she just listened to me play on my new favourite instrument!
Yeah, it's my favourite lesson next LUNCH!!! I know it is technically not a lesson but still. They have my favourite food today, well my favourite sandwich. I can't wait I am sooooo excited I am literally jumping up and down in excitement. I think everyone now knows I am someone not to talk to. This is the first time I sat and started to be someone who couldn't wait for music because we're doing a class band! I can play my ocarina. YAY!

The Unordinary
Science FictionSix high school students looks like anyone else acts like anyone else but are capable of things no one else is. They learnt from a young age no one that means NO ONE can know about their powers even their parents and other siblings. It brings out th...